My Rescue Squad just recently purchased a 2006 Spartan Big Easy 18'-9" Heavy Duty Walk-Around rescue. I have a list of currenty equipment that we carry on the truck and I will post it soon I don't have it at this time. We are slowly starting to add more equipment. I was looking to see if anyone has some ideas on some additional equipment that we should add to the truck. We have compiled a list of stuff already but have not started puchasing equipment. Just any thoughts or helps on this.

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looking for ward to the list. What is your district made up of? That would help out with the equipment request. By the way That color is diffrent, Powder blue.
Thanks it is acutally cadilac blue. The color comes from and orginal cadilac ambulance that we had. Here is a list of the equipment that we carry. There are some small things that are left off but they are like hand tools and some hazmat stuff...

10- Step Cribs
5- Road Cones
1- Edge/Sharps Bag
1- Sked
6- 3ft paratech struts
6- 2ft paratech struts
4- 12in paratech strut extensions
4- 36in paratech strut extensions
4- 4ft wood 4x4's
1- Electric cord reel
8- Zmag bases
6- paratech bases
12- ratchet straps
6- paratech cone tips
2- 6 ton bottle jacks
2- 20 ton bottle jacks
55- 2ft wood 4x4's
32- 2ft wood 2x4's
46- 2ft wood wedges
9- 3ft wood 6x6's
2- 9 or 12 ton wood airbag pads
2- 17 ton wood airbag pads
3- 20 or 26 ton wood airbag pads
1- tool box
4- Backboards
1- Stokes basket
1- Littlegiant ladder
1- water can
1- ABC extinguisher
6- Survivair SCBA Bottles
2- 200ft rope bags
1- Large Pry Bar
1- Hedge Trimmer
1- Cable Cutter
1- Large Bolt Cutter
1- Bolt Cutter
2- Spade Shovels
2- Flat Shovels
1- Sledge Hammer
1- 3Ft Halligan BAr
2- Brooms
2- 5 Gal Buckets
1- Flat Head Axe
1- Pick Head Axe
1- Class D extinguisher
2- High Lift Jacks
2- High Lift Jack Extensions
1- Crow Bar
3- hydraulic Hoses
1- Jug of Hand Cleaner
1- Box of Raags
3- hydraulic reels
1- Hurst Cutter (pre connected)
1- Hurst large Cutter (pre connected)
1- Hurst Spreader (pre connected)
1- Hurst Large Spreader (not pre connected)
1- Electric Hurst 3 Valve Hydraulic pump
9- Hydraulic Rams assorated sizes
2- Spreader Bases
2- Set of Spreader Tips
1- Ram Extension Kit
2- Sets of Spreader chains
1- Portable Honda Gas Generator
1- Trap
2- Gas Cans Regular&Mixed
1- Hurst Portable Hydraulic Pump
1- Chain Saw
1- K12 Saw
2- Robopaks
2- Sawzals(robopaks)
2- Electric Sawzals
2- Air Hoses
1- Maxi Force airbag kit
1- air chisel kit
2- Hurst Pedal Cutters
1- Hurst 9 ton airbag
1- paratech 12 ton airbag
2- paratech 17 ton airbags
2- hurst 20 ton airbags
2- hurst 26 ton airbags
1- hurst 30 ton airbag
2- Plastic Tables
2- 6 Ft Pike Poles
2- Hurst Airbag Kits
1- Tube of Triage Tags
1- awning opener
2- EMS Jump Bags
1- Electric Mister Fan
1- AED
1- PPV Electric Mister Fan
2- Rubbermaid Rehab Containers
1- Burn Kit
1- Water Jub(for mister fan)
1- Pediatric immoblization Board
2- Keds
1- Vaccum Splint set
1- reeves sleeve
4- Boxes on EMS Gloves(S,M,L,XL)
6- Firefighter rehab chairs
1- Triage Kit
1- EZ up tent
1- Microwave
1- Refrigerator with bottled water
3- Cases of Bottle water
1- Water tote
1- Portable Suction Unit
2- Portable O2 cylinders
1- Large O2 Cylinder
1- Electric Reel
1- Mobile Radio
1- O2 6 port manifold
1- Headset port
1- EMS Command Board
1- Fire Command Board
Crew Cab
4- Surviair SCBA
4- Surviair SCBA Masks
4- Head Sets
4- Vulcan Flashlights
4- Survivor Flashlights
1- Windshied Bag
1- Portable Radio
4- Traffic Vests
Officers Seat
1- Surviair SCBA
1- Surviair SCBA Maks
Front Bumber 1
1- Hitch extension
1- Hitch Eye Hook
1- Bridle
1- Ball Hitch
2- Eye Hooks
1- Snatch Block
2- J- Hooks
Front Bumper 2
1- Winch
Front Bumber 3
1- Set of Chains
2- Long J-Hooks
Topside 1
1- 300 Lb Oil Dry Hopper
Top 2
1- Box of Paratech strut trench rescue connections
1- Extra large Tarp
28- 2ft wood 4x4's
1- 30 ton wood airbag pad
3- cases of bottle water
6- decon tubs
1- rubbermaid rehab bin
Top 3
2- 6ft wood 4x4's
4- 8ft wood 4x4's
3- 3ft wood 6x6's
2- 8ft wood 6x6's
Freezer with Ice

The truck is also equipted with a 35 KW Generator
1- Command Light
1- Brow Light
4- Quartz Lights in the Box
2- Portable Quartz Light
3- Ancor Points Built into the top of the box
1- 20 gal Air Compressor with 2 connections on the outside of the box
The winch is also removable and can be opertated on all 4 sides of the truck
David, due you use the paratech struts, for MVA stabilization (support) or are you looking at a different company. I'm using a Res-Q-Jack a set of 4.
We use the paratechs for MVA's they are very quick and easy to set up once you get used to using them. They have an air connection that comes with them for their other applications but we removed them so that no one tries to put air into them and we have a car on its side get pushed right over. We do have the ends for trench and structural collapse but no one is really qualified to use them. The came with the struts when we bought them as the company who we brought them from used them in that application. We had to purchase the auto rescue bases and ends. I have seen the Res-Q-Jack's but I have never used them personally. One of our mutual aid departments just purchased them and they seem to like them. How do you like them? As you can see we have a lot stabilization equipment this is mostly because our first due area is made up of 3 state highways with and is a more of a rural setting with some farms as well as a lot of off road trails making lifted vehicles are very popular. As you can tell we are pretty well set with the basic needs but I am sure there are some things like I said that could also be added. Our previous rescue was a small rescue ambulance. So to go from that to this is a huge step for us.

Manufacturer - Pierce
Chassis - Quantum
Year - 2005

Vehicle Specifics
Engine - 515 hp Detroit Deisel Series 60
Transmission - Allison EVS 4000P
Generator - Winco 55 kw PTO
4 - Electric reels. 2 on each side
4 - Hydraulic reels. 2 on each side
1 - Air reel
1 - Wil-Burt 9000 watt light tower
Cascade system. 4 bottle 6000 psi with fill station
2 - Awnings. One on each side
Anti lock breaking system
TAK4 Suspension system
Pierce 360 roll over protection package
20' custom walk in rescue body
12" raised roof with seating for 8 firefighters
Code 3 Emergency lighting package (strobes, LED's and rotators)
Carried Equipment
8 - Scott NxG2 60 minute air packs
2 - Scott 5 minute escape packs
9 - Centaur / Lukas hydraulic rescue tools. 3 cutters, 2 spreaders, 1 combi tool and 3 rams
Vetter air bag lifting system. Up to 73 tons (1 set)
Paratec rescue strut system (1 set)
4 - Bottle jacks. Up to 50 tons
3 - Porta powers
4 - High lift jacks
3 - Reciprocating saws. 2 electric and 1 air
1 - Circular saw
1 - Air impact gun
1 - Air chisel
1 - Rescue toolbox
2 - Glass Masters. Used for cutting laminated windshild glass
6 - Chains - 2 with J hooks
5 - Come-a-longs - 2 chain and 3 cable
Long cribbing. 4, 6 and 8 foot lengths
1 - Floor jack
2 - Aluminized blankets
Elevator keys (1 set)
1 - Warn 4000 pound winch
4 - Rope rescue backpacks
6 - Rescue rope bags. 3 300' and 3 150'
6 - Technical rescue helmets
2 - Stokes baskets. One 1 piece and one 2 piece
1 - Sked stretcher
1 - Tripod. For confined space rescue
2 - K-12 saws. 1 gas and 1 electric
2 - Chain saws. 1 gas and 1 electric
3 - Hand saws
6 - Fire extinguishers. 2 dry chemical, 1 dry powder, 2 water, 1 CO2
1 - ISI thermal imaging camera
1 - Scott Scout 4 gas meter
1- Scott single gas meter (CO)
1 - Kodak digital camera
1 - Automated external defibrillator or AED
1 - First in medical bag with oxygen
8 - Backboards. 6 full length and 2 half boards
Blankets and sheets
1 - Binoculars
Various map books
1 - General toolbox
6 - portable quartz lights. 2 with tripods
Electric cord adaptors
Electric extension cords
6 - Salvage tarps
8 - Spare air bottles
Hazardous Materials Library
2 - Salvage buckets
2 - 5 gallon buckets of oil dry
1 - roof box. Hammer, nails and a staple gun
2 - Rolls of plastic sheeting
Absorbent booms and pads
1 - Rescue command vest
Traffic cones
2 - Cases of bottled water
1 - Refrigerator
1 - Microwave
4 - Shovels
3 - Squeegies
4 - Brooms
2 - Jack stands
1 - Lukas steering wheel / pedal cutter
1 - Smoke ejector fan
8 - Streamlight Fire Vulcan hand lights
1 - Back up camera. Used when backing the apparatus
1 - Little Giant ladder
1 - Landing zone kit
1 - Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
Numerous other pieces of equipment
attached are North Carolina Standards for Heavy, Medium, and Light Rescue classifications. All does not have to be on one truck but most should be unless you can send multiple units which can be an issue in a volunteer Dept. Hope this helps.
Looking Good, from the photos. Now that it has had a few runs, and your folks are used to it, how is it working out? everyone Happy? or would you make changes??
If this upload works........ Yep, it worked. This is a 2008 Pierce Walk in Box which sleeps 8, along with the contents of our local Lowes store on board.......... Well, not quite, but you get the Idea.......... Hurst System is in the First Compartment on each side. 2 Trimo Pumps, 2 Transformer Tools, 2 Cutters, 2 Combo Tools preconnected. 2 sets of Rams, 2 Gas powered pumps, extra hose, Chains, Tips, etc. One complete set of everything on each side. And, the compartment is open all the way thru, so you can take tools from the "other side" off as well. This is due to expressway work where we end up with one side or the other up against a Jersey wall...... Complete packages of Equipment for Rope, Confined Space, Collapse, Ice, Water, and other specialty Rescue areas, as well as the "Normal" Extrication and Firefighting Tools.


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