Where are you from, how long have you been in the fire service, what made you join?
I'm from Voorheesville, NY, I just had my one year anniversary with my FD, and I joined not just for the adrenaline rush, although that's part of it; I joined because I work for a firematic association, and I got tired of feeling guilty for not joining.

Wish I'd done this YEARS ago, I love it.

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I guess if you take into consideration that we all are learning as we go that we all still are probies to some degree
Greetings! I am currently the Chief of the Albion Fire Department in Albion NY. I have been kickin around the station since 1977 (it was tough getting those bellbottoms in the boots). I have held every position in the department, on both Administrative and Operations sides of the house. I am also an instructor (both fire and code enforcement). Lots of certifications, and I am very happy to answer questions and help get new people started in the fire service. Hell, I will learn a thing or two as well. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks, you just have to talk s-l-o-w and LOUD....
Hi , Im Morris washburn, Born and raised in W.N.Y. for 44 yrs . married 2 xs 4 kids,2 step kids, 4granddaughters. I have 2 son's in the Fire Service .I was a LT. In Castile Fire Dept. when I moved from New York. Now we live in McEwen,Tn. a small town here and very friendly people . I was motivated by my dad to be a fire Fighter . I have 30yrs and love IT !!!!! Be safe my brothers and sisters.
I'm Rev. Robert Crutchfield. I joined my department about 6 months ago. I have been having a blast learning all the fire and ems stuff. I just can't get enough. I have felt led to move my ministry in this direction for years, and am sooo glad I finally did it. Our department is very supportive. Last nights drill was on forcible entry. One thing that was cool about is our instructor took pictures of buildings in our district and we took turns coming up with ways to gain entry. We do lots of hands on stuff in our training which really helps.
Hi you all... CJ Knapp here I'm a Captain with the Hudson Falls Vol. Fire Department, and have been in the fire service now for 17 years... What got me to join...??? Well, I've always been interested since I was a wee little one but never joined until several of my friends got in the service. After responding to a few runs with them the bug got me, and I joined... I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else!!!!
So, do you need a sponsor or a mentor?
There are certain chapters in my life that would call me "probie".
Dumb-a$$ too, for that matter.
Hi, my name is Eric. I have been a firefighter for the last 2 1/2 years with the Hudson Falls Volunteer Fire Department here in little ol' Hudson Falls, NY. Prior to this, as I state in my profile, I spent 4 years and 10 months in the U.S, Army. I was an Army Infantryman and personal security for my Squadron Commander and Sergeant Major, fighting out of F.O.B. Kalsu in Iraq. I only state that because I relate alot of different experiences in the fire service to my experiences in the military. I am actually not a probie, but along with some others here, I do not know it all. I feel that it will be a good place for me to ask any questions as well as give my input on things I've experienced. I joined because as I said, I relate alot of things to my service in the military. I live to serve and it's what I love to do. Besides that, I love the brotherhood that is the fire service (as well as the adrenaline rush). I live it and I love it.
hi my name is Kris I'm from sergeant bluff IA, i moved to my town when i was about 2 years old always loved watching the fire engines and ambulances race down the street to unknown call or place ever since then i always wanted to be one of the guys in the engine racing down the street and now i am. I have been on at SBFD (Sgt.bluff fire dept) as a volunteer for about 3 month pushing 4. I'm slowly learning and I'm currently taking firefighter 1. i wouldn't say I'm a seconded generation because my father inst a firefighter but my grandfather is probably what i think really set me hard into it and he was on for around 36-40 years in quimby IA as a volunteer.
My real name is George Zimmerman, and I joined Mar Mac Volunteer Fire Dept. to take over the job as Webmaster and photographer for the department website. I did so at the request of my son Steven who is a Lieutenant in the Department. I have been doing the website for approx. 3 years. I love supporting the Fire Department who will be the ones to protect my life and property in the event of a fire, but I find myself at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to obtaining information for the website. Essentially I am an "outsider", I am not present at all fire calls or training meetings and distribution of pertinent information. ... all the guys are volunteers and info for website publication is "catch - as catch can". Ooooooh Wellll!
Hi My Name is Denise and I am with Beukendaal Vol. Fire Dept in Scotia, NY. I have been with this Dept for over 2 yrs now. I am a Firefighter, EMT, and a Ladies Auxilary Member.

I Joined since I want to help the community and be a positive role model for my 3 kids. I want them to see it pays to do something for free and how it can be rewarding .
I'm Kenzi, although I'm known by many other names (and sometimes other personalities). I'm quickly approaching my 3 year anniversary with the Bellevue Vol. Fire District (#9) out of Cheektowaga, NY (aka Polonia).

Since this is the Probie Corner, I'll share with ya'll the reason why I joined. I was approaching the end of my freshman year in college and realizing I had done absolutely nothing. I was on the dance team, but since I wasn't an education, art or physical therapy major, I was pretty much alone. I really longed for some friends and a sense of belonging. I had a crush on an upperclassman chemistry major @ school who was a firefighter, and after being fascinated with his stories, I asked my father (past assistant chief at my current company) if he thought I could do it. He said he believed in me, so as soon as I was cleared medically (I had surgery 3 days after the spring semester ended), I started the process. But secretly within me, I think I was always a little firefighter in training. I loved going to fire department open houses as a kid, and longed for the end of holiday parades because that meant all the fire apparatus (which in my town comes in a myriad of colors, shapes and sizes -- I've always been a fan of the yellow-green myself).

Unfortunately, I have seen the true ugliness that the good ol' boys system of firefighting has to offer. As a sexual harassment survivor, I'm even more driven, although I don't think the wounds will ever heal completely.
Hi I'm Derek Macero. I am a Lieutenant with Deerfield Fire Dept in Oneida County, Deerfield NY. I have been involved in Fire & EMS for over 10 years. Some of my education includes firefighter, fire investigator, codes officer & NYS Paramedic.


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