Hey Yall


Im currently a Crew Leader (pull up LT) on my paid on call department. We are doing a lt test comming up in a few weeks and kinda worried about it to be honest ive tested three times and people with less time on the job have gotten it over me. its kinda frustrating but I try to keep a level head about it. My crew that I took over at the beginning of the month after some personel changes are pushing me to take the test because they like my leadership style and outlook, but to be honest I want to take the test but dont know if I can mentaly handle another let down or another person just out of the recruit academy getting the promotion. what are your thoughts?

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You are doing well to keep a level head. That is the best thing you can do. If you really want the position, you should definitely take the test again. In my career department I took the lieutenants exam four times before finally getting promoted. I have 15 years as an active volunteer and nearly 12 as a career firefighter and I can tell you that there were firefighters at work with much less fire experience than I had that got promoted over me because they tested better. The worst thing you can do is get a sour attitude because that will make you look like you are too immature for the position and it will validate those people that passed you over that though you weren't the best candidate for the job. So keep doing what you are doing, remember to smile and keep a good attitude and if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it. Always remember to stay active with the department, keep up with your training and make those guys the passed you over sorry that they did not promote you by being the best firefighter you can be!! Good luck!!!
Captain Paul Balentine
York Village Fire Dept.
York Village, Maine

The training is the only thing that im struggling with. the times dont really work with people that have a full time job, as well as having to make training 4 times a month once each week. I understand its a "volunteer" department but that still seems a bit excessive but im at least trying to make 2 a month out of the 4 due to finances

You really have to be present for those trainings, those are times you can really shine. My volley dept trains weekly as well. It's the only way to go, you need to keep those skills Sharp. I can tell you that a possible reason your getting passed over is that they don't see your smiling face every week. I know with us if a guy isn't there every week even if he interviews well and does great on the written exam he's going to get passed over because we don't see him every week or he doesn't make a lot of calls or what have you. The guys that are making the calls and trainings will get promoted period. I know I'm not there every week but I work as a career Lt. Elsewhere and work a rotating schedule. But I'm there any time I'm off work

Yea we are a paid on call department and actually have assigned shifts so im there every shift as the officer (Crew Leader) which is once every 9 days and I do training with my guys according to the quarterly training outline, so training is being done just not on their actual training nights due to not getting off work in time for the during the week trainings.

nervously waiting on scores from officers test this past weekend... was kinda a cluster they sent out the list of what was included in the test a week before the test with no one having most of the books, still kinda nervous for the outcome


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