So a while ago I was looking at getting a new leather, since I have turned to the darkside of being a lieutenant. And now that i am off probation I want my leather back. But do to money issues i think I will just repaint my old one. I know some of you have repainted your helments. I was just wondering if you guys had any pointers. Like sandblasting vs. sandpaper, to get the old stuff off. Anyways let me know.

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1st off sandblasting will do a fine job of destroying the LEATHER remember its leather its not polycarbinate fiberglass or anything harder then LEATHER.. even using Sandpaper COULD be detrimental to the LEATHER Tape off the metal work and stuff that doesnt need to be painted , when Cairns paints them they spray the top and hand brush the underside, I have taped the liner opening with wide masking tape and then trimmed outside the liner using a pen or xacto knife Carefully the whole thing honestly isnt a big deal, long as you have 1/2 a brain you should have no trouble... :)
yea i just pained over mine it looks just fine
I use the Orange Stripper also. It does a pretty good job, make sure you use denatured alcohol to get the residue off..... As far as the factory paint. It Sucks and they only sell it in gallons. The primer I use is from Sears hardware. It's Krylon Primer/ Sealer KDQ5295. It handles Enamel paints on top very well. The one down side of a grey primer is the top coat will get banged up over time and the grey will peek out. You can tint the primer with the enamel to cut back on that.

Here is what I found from MSA...

MSA/Cairns repainted helmets guide

Leather Helmet Painting Instructions

The following procedures are suggested for those wishing to repaint a structurally sound N6A Houston or a N5A New Yorker leather helmet. If there are any questions concerning the serviceability of the helmet, please contact MSA Fire Service Customer Service at 1-877-MSA-FIRE or

STEP 1: Before proceeding, inspect the helmet for damage. If there is any sign of burned or broken stitching, soft or cut leather, cracked leather, etc., the helmet should be repaired before proceeding.

STEP 2: Remove front piece.

STEP 3: Clean off the helmet with soap and water to remove as much surface dirt as possible. Use the minimum amount of water possible.

STEP 4: Roughen the entire surface of the helmet with fine sandpaper, taking care to avoid excess sanding of the stitching.

STEP 5: Apply one coat of the recommended primer. Allow to dry completely.

STEP 6: With all surfaces of the helmet thoroughly dry and clean, apply the first coat of paint.

STEP 7: Allow the helmet to dry thoroughly and apply the second coat of paint.

STEP 8: After the second coat of paint is completely dry, put the front piece back on the helmet.

Recommended Paint/Primer and Colors
Sherwin Williams – Kem Lustral Enamel*

Gray E61 A 45
White E61 W 12
Red E61 R 26

Gloss Black F65 B 1
Bright Blue F65 L 10
Gloss White F65 W 1
Lemon Yellow F65 Y 44
Vermilion (Red) F65 R 1

*Cairns recommends the use of Sherwin Williams Super Acrylic Spray Enamel. Be sure to ask the Sherwin Williams representative what type of primer to use.

Due to the lack of control over conditions and methods used, MSA/CairnsHELMETS cannot guarantee the result of repainting helmets when performed in the field.
I followed the MSA CAIRNS directions. But I got paint from the FIRE STORE. Changed the color from YELLOW to WHITE on one of my SAM's, very happy with the results. Now if I can only find an old school no impact lid , the world would be great(LOL).


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