Hey guys this is a place to tell everyone a little bit about some recent calls you have gone to.

OK i'll go first,

Just today I rode a med-assist for a cardiac arrest patient.
Upon arrival we found a 62 year old female unresponcive with no pulse and was not breathing. So we hooked up the AED and started CPR about 2 min later the medic unit arrived and help us take shifts with compreesions after about 10min we decided to transport the patient. I jumped in the medic and we took off for the hospital all the way there the guy on the medic unit and i took turns with compressions all the way to the hospital 45min ride.
Unfortunatly it was no use we lost her but we tried.

OK now its your turn tell us about some of your recent calls fire or ems.
I wana keep this going so keep it updated.

Stay safe,

Views: 85

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um ,, just a reminder to all, dont break HIPPA here.. but we aint had any good calls here latley


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