Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven God went missing for seven days. Eventually, Michael the Archangel found him.
He inquired of God, "Where were you?"

God breathed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds. "Look son, look what I'm making!"

Archangel Michael looked puzzled and asked, "What are they?"

God replied, "It's a special person, but I'm putting respect for Life into them. I've named them FireFighters and there's going to be a
balance between everything They do.

For example, there's Career and Volunteers. Career is going to be paid and stay at their stations for hours and hours till replacements come,
and Volunteers will be wakened in the middle of the night to perform a job few others want or can do.But paid or volunteer you can see the
thin red line that joins them. Now look over here I've put a contingent of Medics and EMT's in the line to watch their backs and treat any
injuries that occur while they fight the Beast"

Then the Archangel asked, "What are those red dots there?"

"Ahhh… those are the Academies," God said, "those are very special places! They are going to be the most prestigous spots on Earth; beautiful
monuments, lakes, rivers, streams and wonderfully large tall buildings, anything they need to train for any scenario. The people here are going
to be great teachers, traveling the world to train any that find the special spark in them that want to learn to be Firefighters. They'll be
Black and White, Red and Yellow, Male and Female, all races and sexes.

Michael the Archangel gasped in wonder and admiration, then seemingly startled, he said, "Hold on a second, what about BALANCE? You said there was
going to be balance?"

God replied wisely, "Wait until you see the donut eating wankers I'm putting in the stations next door to them!"


Adapted by Chris Davis Placedo VFD
August 29, 2007

Views: 138

Replies to This Discussion

That's funny.
nice one there bro like it lots
lol, that really funny! I'm going to have to send that to a couple of cops I know!


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