In our area (northern Wisconsin) and on our department the first out tender (2200 Gal) will always roll back into the village and catch a hydrant for the first load of water at least. Usually by the time they get back to scene m/a and our other three tenders have arrived and the fill site has been established. Some of our M/a Depts will almost never fill out of a static water source E.g Rivers Lakes ponds.... they will only use hydrants. What do you Folks do?

                                             Justin From Pulaski

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Well my district which is in central Ill. we practice alot on drafting out of the river, but since I have been on we haven't done it at a fire. There is a hydrant at our station which is in another juridiction, but in our actual district there are no hydrants. Several of the surrounding depts which also have no hydrant acces have deep well pumps at their stations.


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