Leadership simplified is the ability to influence the action (s) of another individual. To some it is learnt, others - it is given at birth. The argument continues that great leaders are born and not taught. It involves action moreso than talk ...

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There's no argument: Some people have the attributes that help them be a leader (born), some have learned (taught), and some have both aspects within their makeup. Most people have a two demensional thought process; many need to expand their veiwpoint to encompass a larger picutre. The big picture many times is seeing things that are outside the box. I have been working on this an more with my Ethical Leadership Training - if anyone is interested send me an email for a flyer: almozingo@roadrunner.com - www.firemanager.com - Al Mozingo - Cell: 619-447-2828
"It involves action more so than talk..."
Like most communication. Humans are unique in that they can talk and read, but most communication and influence still is non-verbal. Learning to use this non-verbal communication is important, especially for front line leaders. I find that teaching non-verbal communication is harder than taking someone who already has that ability and teaching them leadership. This usually works well, IF they have the desire to serve the followers, another crucial part of the formula, because most people have a built-in BS detector.
You are right - action is a very important componet - most will say they lead by example.

Take a look at this I wrote for my book A Study of the Principles of Leadership:

A Leadership Development Program
By Al Mozingo

To assist you in becoming an effective leader follow this thirty day Leadership Development Program. Developing appropriate leadership skills takes time, study and determination. The knowledge and insight you will gain from this program will assist you in becoming an effective leader. Leadership is a learned process in many ways. This study program will help you become more confident in that role and will assist you in becoming technically competent as a leader.

Some of the items listed should be contemplated. Some of the items need to be put into action. Remember the knowledge and insight that you gain will allow you to develop into a more effective and competent leader.

1. Define your strengths and weaknesses as a Leader.

2. Describe your decision-making skills: organized, open, flexible, obtains all the facts, develops many alternatives, participative, etc.

3. Name some methods for developing Participative Management, and then put them to use.

4. What type of leader do you want to be?

5. What are your beliefs and values? Do you walk the talk?

6. Can you take constructive criticism? Do you strive to be the best you can be? Think of what you have been criticized for and whether you have taken action to improve.

7. Do you try to develop collaborative efforts, or does it end up being competitive efforts? Develop some strategies to initiate some collaborative efforts.

8. If you had the power to change your organization what would you change? What is your vision for your organization?

9. How do you convey a Positive Attitude towards others?

10. When dealing with others do you try to develop “Win/Win Situations”?

11. As a leader what are your immediate goals for yourself? In five years?

12. How are you going to improve yourself professionally?

13. How are you going to improve yourself personally?

14. Do you need to increase your knowledge of leadership? Read a book on Leadership.

15. To assist you in becoming a leader, you need to develop trust. How would you rate yourself in empathizing with others? Do you always show respect towards others?

16. How does a leader show people he/she cares?

17. Describe how you are a role model to someone.

18. Is your personality mainly optimistic or pessimistic? Do you need to adjust the way you act?

19. Do you make people feel good about their contribution to the organization (do you provide positive motivation)?

20. Is your honesty beyond reproach? Leaders need to be people of high integrity.

21. Delegation is an agreement to share authority and responsibility with another. Have you done so recently?

22. As a leader you need to be a change agent. Note something that you would like to see changed. Follow through with action.

23. Do you empower others? What is a good method to use to empower others?

24. What can you do to improve yourself today?

25. One of the greatest assets of any organization is its people. What can you do to help develop your people?

26. Are you unbiased towards others, no matter what their religion or nationality?

27. Does your organization have high morale? If not, what can you do to help it be more positive?

28. Do you develop enthusiasm and/or inspire others? What can you do to help inspire others?

29. Evaluate your leadership competence. How can you improve?

30. Define leadership for yourself.
Seem to have missed the "following" reply. It seems to be a very good 30 day plan. I just wouldn't want people to think that is the end of it, we should probably do this each month.

I'll look up your book, too.
The thoughts of character traits being a really important ingredient in leadership and leadership training, is very important. Recently I have had a couple of Fire Departments contact me about Ethics Training; my answer to this is a new program "Ethical Leadership Training". I conducted over 100 hours of Research and Development - came up with a half a dozen more PowerPoint's and a workbook. If anyone is interested in having this program presented at their department be sure to contact me through my web site: www.firemanager.com - Al Mozingo - I though I would share the following info also:

Character Traits of an Effective Leader

The book entitled "Wisdom, Inc." by Seth Godin, presents the various character traits, qualities, attributes, or virtues an individual needs to be an effective leader. The book was based upon a national survey. This particular survey was sent out to more than 20,000 mid-level and top-level managers through out the United States. It was also published in the "Journal of Business Strategy" for its readers to fill out and return.

The information in this book may be very important for a leader to internalize. It is about changing attitudes and the way you interact with others. If you take a proactive positive approach with this information, you will become more successful and will be on your way to becoming an effective leader. The author of the book states, "This book is your wake-up call." He further indicates you should "make a commitment to adopting the virtues outlined and your life will be changed."

I've written a large number of articles in the leadership arena. Many refer to the qualities a leader must have to be effective. Many talk about character traits a leader should have internalized within his/her personality. Many refer to the attributes/virtues a leader should exhibit in his/her actions. The secondary title of this book paraphrased is an excellent assessment of what may happen:

"Virtues that turn ordinary people into Extraordinary Leaders"
The information below will not go into all 26 Business Virtues in the book; rather, I will review just a few. Below are what the book has identified as the top 10 ranked virtues by percentage of responses:

Ethics - 49%
Teamwork -38%
Honesty - 36%
Curiosity - 35%
Hard work - 27%
Intelligence - 26%
Self-Motivation - 22%
Sense of Humor - 16%
Initiative -16%
Creativity - 15%

After looking at all 26 virtues presented and looking at the list of the top ten again, I'll focus on four of the virtues listed in the book.


The definition of ethics can include words such as: fairness, honesty, and trustworthiness. I can also include the ancient statement from the Bible, referred to as the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." When thinking about a decision and formulating action to be taken, ask yourself "Is this the Right Action to be taken?" Think not only about the money to implement it or about whether it is legal or illegal (although those are certainly considerations), but be guided by whether it’s right or wrong.
This type of behavior, "Ethics," is considered by many as the most important virtue of all. It means being fair, honest, and trustworthy. You want to treat others as you would want them to treat you. Always develop a win/win situation out of any decision.


Teamwork can be defined as people coming together to accomplish a goal. When working together your variety of talents and the diversity of individuals can actually be strengthened; it can give you more power, more options, and more alternatives in a given situation or decision. There is a synergistic effect the whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts.
Charles Garfield, the president of Performance Sciences Corporation, has indicated that teamwork can be defined as "We" rather than "I." All leaders should utilize Participative Management Techniques to involve their people. Use the "We" aspect of an organization and it will benefit the organization. One way of referring to this is by the word TEAM:


Teamwork is considered as one of the top virtues to incorporate into your personality. For some it’s hard. For others it comes naturally. Strive to work with one another with cooperation and understanding in collaborative efforts. Competition actually will decrease teamwork. Therefore, try to reduce things within the organization that are competitive. Some of the key elements in developing cooperation and understanding are:
effective communications, active listening, empathy, respect for others, the expression of appreciation and development of a win/win attitude.

Self Motivation

Being motivated is not dependent upon outside or external forces. If a person is self-motivated he/she can accomplish almost whatever he/she wishes to accomplish. Set your goals and move forward with determination and persistence. Doing extra work on a daily basis is a good start. Remember that our American system of "Capitalism" allows all of us a great opportunity. We just have to make the effort.
Therefore, get moving! Getting your foot in the door is sometimes the first step. Then work hard and show that you are competent. You will establish your own credibility with your actions. Being self motivated also helps gives a person a feeling of self-worth, a sense of accomplishment and high self-esteem.


Someone who thinks beyond the obvious is creative. Someone who may be considered weird at times, but also may be considered to have great ability is being creative. Someone who comes up with innovative ideas to make things happen is being creative.
Many problems require creativity to solve them. Also, creativity helps to ensure success. When conducting problem solving sessions, be sure to look at a number of alternatives, not just the first one you think about or the most obvious. Use the creative-intuitive side of your brain, not just the analytical side.
In conclusion, the above four character traits are just a few of the many that can make you an effective and successful leader. They were presented because we all have to start somewhere with our journey to becoming a better leader. Therefore, I've listed them as somewhere to begin. Incorporate these virtues into your personality and you will not be disappointed. They will assist you in your future endeavors. Good Luck!
I learned a long time ago that being a leader is being a straight line from point A to point B...whenever you get off that straight line (doing anything that would compromise your integrity for example)...then you are not a leader...I have sense thought about this straight line in my daily life and at work...just because your off duty doesn't mean your not a leader or a firefighter!

Excellent comments. Keep up the good work. Al - www.firemanager.com


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