I was wondering what everyone thinks about the academy enforcing the one minute time limit for donning your scba. It seems to me that they have gone out of their way to make passing 1152 almost impossible for volunteers. I know fellow instructors that are no longer going to teach 1152 because of the new restrictions. I personally woul rather someone take the extra time to ensure that they're dressed properly, and won't get themselves hurt because they were rushing to get dressed. Safety is number one, and its been drilled into our heads since day one.

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Personally, I have encouraged all our members to meet the one minute or less rule for more years than I can remember. You are correct in saying that the individual should insure that they are dressed and equipped properly. The bottom line is that most individuals don't continue training in the basic tasks after they get into a department. They always want to do the "more exciting" training rather than boring training like putting on gear and SCBA. I don't think it is asking too much to be proficient enough with the SCBA to be able to put it on in less than 60 seconds. I still see some firefighters get on the fire scene and put an SCBA on upsidedown! I can guarantee that my firefighters won't do that because we do train in the basics as well as the more exciting stuff. If you want a little more challenge, try going into a dark room and putting an SCBA on and coming out in less than 60 seconds. As I stated, it's all about proficiency with your equipment.
I agree completely. I would much rather someone make sure they have their gear on correctly, rather than trying to set some speed record. SAFETY FIRST!!!!!!
I do not believe that just because you pass the 1152 class that you should be allowed to immediately go interior. There should be a time limit set, such as 6 months after you have passed the class or something to that effect. Experience teaches better than any book ever will. I have been in the fire service for the last 13 years and I strive to learn something new everyday. Whether volunteer or career, it is up to the officers of the department to keep the new guys, and gals from getting in over their heads.
well as far as i know and its been a while since i had to do it but most truck these days have packs already in the seats so once you get in the truck you should on your way to scene have your shoulder straps and waist strap on and turn your air bottle on which takes no less that about 30 seconds so when you get on scene you just tighten down and connect your regulator. but i know there are some trucks that have the old side compartment storage which if not put away proerly can cause you to not donn it correctly but if put on the truck the right way you should take about 30-45 seconds. but the standard here in sc from what i can tell is pretty strict with alot of things they are just trying to get the better for us all by making it harder catch 22 situations
I agree 100 percent.....Safety is always job #1..
My opinion there ought to be FFI then FFII,enough with this 1152 stuff.It's hard enough to get time off from work for a lot folk's.I thought the state was going to get rid of 1152? Some states you cant even be a volunteer unless you have FFI.it's like giving a permit out to do interior.Yes, you need to put your gear on quickly, but it must be on Right!
Safety is number one and I agree. They are also doing the same with donning your bunker gear with in 1 min. I would rather dock points to ensure that it is done properly than to fail a good person that took 5 extra seconds. Why do that to someone that is willing to give back to the community and country as a Volunteer.


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