We are a small Volunteer Fire Dept in a town with 1000 people and do about 100 runs a year including EMS/Ambulance
My Chief is very old school and we dont have any SOG's at all, I have finally convinced him to put SOG's in place.He said "If you think we need them so bad then you can write them".
So..I now have the task of writing a complete set of SOG's so I'm looking for some examples from departments of similar size and call volume

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My department has a few SOP's. Are you still looking for some help on that matter. If so let me know. I might be able to help. I helped rewrite the ones for the city of Manassas, va as well.

Hi David, I can send you a complete set of SOP/SOG's in word. Contact me at nrs5f@comcast.net Norm
My departments SOP's are a little thin is there any way I can get a eletronic copy of yours. My email is dhelfrich@nlfr.org. THat would be great thank you.
if you are still looking for SOG I can send you some
I could use some SOG's. I took on the monumental task of being chairman of the newest bylaw committee. which they want to incorporate the SOG's, and also the Junior and cadet program bylaws. The task at hand is to bring these things into the twenty first century.
My department needs SOP's/SOG's also email is swl8se22@yahoo.com
Gary, my company does not have any SOP's or SOG's in place currently. I would like to get an electronic copy of your departments, however, I do not have Office 2008, I am still using the Office 2003 version, is there any way you can send me a copy that is able to open properly in 2003 Office? My email address is fireemt52139@comcast.net


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