What innovations has your department developed to provide high quality training, facilities or equipment without spending lots of money? For example we built our own training tower.

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We share a couple of county wide training areas built with county funds (about seven independent districts in one county)

One of the nice things is our IC3 rated trainer knows where all the bodies (and bones) are buried... and when he sets up a training class we get USFS, DNRC, and multiple local departments involved...

Basically it's the same or better experience the Fire Science kids get at University Montana when he's teaching up there

The college kids seldom have 300 years of corporate experience within the training cadre... right there in the room to help them learn...

Manuals, training packages, and qualification task books come right off the Internet...
Our department purchased a old water pumping station from the local utility company since they put up a new water tower,we have built a scba maze and bail out window for scba certification and a few other props for fast team training , We own the building but share it with and do town wide trainings with the five other departments in our town , works really well since we run mutual aid with each other , and this way we know what every department has and every ones capability .
We got a fire school with a fire simulator that was built from used steel container trailer boxes that were decommissioned and welded together. Check it out at http://peiffa.com/files/lfs/pdf.php . Our fire school website is http://peiffa.com/ Some neat ideas here of how the PEI fire fighting association built the best fire school east of Quebec.
You would be surprised what companies will donate for a better sense of security. Knowing that it could someday save them in a fire if their donation helped train firefighters. Besides, it's good PR for them if they get in a local paper for their donation. Bit of leg work can go a long way.


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