as it stands right now I have three tattoos. I have a tribal band on my left upper arm ( yeah, I know. It's my first tattoo and will also be my first cover up) I have a tribal with an Aztec sun in it on my right calf ( runs pretty much the whole length of it) and I am in the process of inking my whole left calf with a 9/11 memorial tattoo. I'm 10 hours in on the newest with about 10 more to go

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I currently have 9 tattoos. I am in the process of getting a huge back piece done and collecting art for my sleeves. Ink has to be the most addictive thing on the planet.
Howdy from Australia.
I curently have three also.
I have my football team logo on my left chest (right over my heart).
I have a constellation of stars across my back with my families initials in each star and I have a love heart on the inside of my left bicep with the japanese symbol for wife (LOVE WIFE) inside the heart.

I am designing my fire tattoo as we speak and will keep you updated.

I have 2 tatoos. My right bicep is a tribe of Pick head axes, and my left shoulder is a fire tatoo symbolizing "Brothers to the Bone" that my twin brother and I both have...It is a Skull with two pick head axes with a flamming fire helmet on the skull....we should start a picture gallery so everyone can post their fire tatoos if they have them...I will have to take some pics close up of mine and put them on my page, this was a good idea to start this group !!
Went back last night for the start of the second half of my left calf. It's basically going to be a sleeve (for lack of a better term) from my knee to ankle.
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here is the outside of the same calf (the other side of the tattoo)
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Hi Craig,

If your looking for some ideas for your upcoming firefighter tattoo, feel free to check out

I'm not sure where your from in Australia but the site has around a dozen Australian firefighter tattoos on it, I'd be glad to add yours when it's inked.
I have several tatoos, some fire related, some not. The ones that aren't are a Jeruselum cross on my upper left arm, it's the start of a half sleeve of a sacred heart. I also have a nautical star on the inside of each wrist. The one on my left wrist has fire inside of it, with devil horns on the top point. The right wrist has clouds in it with a halo around the top point. The theory behind this is to help me decide between good and evil. Underneath the good star, I have lettering in my hand writing that says "Thanks Dad..." A long and touching story that I really don't want to get into right now. I also have a palmetto tree on my right peck, a tribal that was custom designed on the whole upper right arm with the kangi for courage in it. On the back on my right calf I have three monkeys sitting indian style next to each other doing the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil pose. The ones I have related to firefighting start with a saying that wraps around my left wrist. It starts on the inside. It says, "Amidst the chaos I will rise." It's a little something to help me remember that EGH. On my upper left forearm, I have a tribal style maltese with some flames coming off of it. On my outer left calf, i have a wicked new school looking fire hydrant that is personified. He has a smooth bore looking nozzle attached to the steamer connection and is spitting out some water through it. He also has flames that wrap up around him form the base. Finally on my right upper fore arm, I have a small simple maltese with a 9 in it, 205 over it, 206 under it, and angel wings that come off its side and go all the way down to my wrist. The 9 in the maltese is a tribute to the Charleston 9. The 205 and 206 are for two of the Charleston 9 that were close personal friends of mine. They both volunteered with me at Pine Ridge Fire and Rescue. Those were there numbers. I have plans for a half sleeve like I mentioned earlier, and then I'm moving to the back.
I have 3 so far. The first one I got after convincing my wife it would look nice. This is on my left bicep. It's a maltese cross with flames around it. My station number (21) is on the left & my ID number (5) is on the right. I got this on Sept. 10, 2001. Makes me wonder at times.... My second one is a tribute to FDNY & the 343 fallen Brothers. This is on my right bicep. It's a skull & leather helmet with crossed axes behind it. Flames are coming out of the mouth & from the helmet. In the flames I have FDNY, 343 on the helmet shield & 9-11-01 Never Forget under it. The third one my best friend Kenny & I got after we passed Firefighter 1 together. At the time our dept was not going for that cert & we decided to get it on our own. This one is one the outside of my lower right leg. We sacrificed a month of free time to crack down on the basics to be able to challenge the tests. We did & passed. I went on to get my Firefighter 2. The tattoo is of a Scott mask & helmet with crossed irons behind it. It has flames surrounding it. In the flames I have FF1 & FF2 while Kenny has FF1. Under it in a banner we have the word SACRIFICE with my ID number (5) on one end & his number (16) on the other. Kenny & I are designing the next one. I never knew how addicting ink was!
I currently have 6 tattoos. I have my name in old english on my left outside forearm, a cross with a sash around it on my right inside forearm, my left upper arm is from 9/11 its the three firefighters hoisting the flag with a maltese cross around it, on my right upper arm is a skull with a rebel flag bandana around its neck and a vintage confederate army hat, on my upper back is a tribal, and on my right calf is a chineese symbol the means courage.
I"ve got 11 tattoos so far. Nothing fire related yet but I have a few ideas so it's only a matter of time...
I have 9 tats right now. I have my latest tat on my picture profile. Im designing another today. I do custom artwork, logo, t-shirt, TATTOO, designs as a second job. I have designed hundreds of tats and ideas. Let me know if anyone needs something done. I am local in tampa, but will travel for the right job. SEE YA AND BE SAFE Joe
Here's all of my far

A better view of the first one


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