If anyone would like to trade for a Town of Burlington or Cedarburg Fire Department shirt let me know the size. Town of Burlington I will have to find out what sizes we have, but the Cedarburg shirts we have all sizes to XXL for sure and maybe larger.

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That is what it is here for. I want to get as many other dept shirts as I can. I'm an avid collector of shirts, and I wear a xxl . Send me your address to ff42@fairpoint.net
I am getting ready to order more shirts for trading anyone interested please let me know I would like to order as many of them at one time . Our uniform guy is reallllllllll slow so anyone who wants to trade i will order in advance.
Hi, my name is Ken Vetesy. I run with Acme Hose Co # 1 in East Stroudsburg, Pa. I would love to trade shirts with you. I wear a size 2XL. Please let me know and we can trade..Hope all is well and be safe...
I wear a XXL. Let me know your size and address and I will get you a shirt from one of my departments depending on size. You can email your address to ffsmr@yahoo.com that way you don't have to post it here.
I will get you a Cedarburg Fire Department shirt. I don't think we have any XXL in the Town of Burlington Fire Shirts. Let me know your address and I will mail one out to you. You can email your address to me at ffsmr@yahoo.com that way you don't have to post your address.
Hi Scott

I'm from Holmen Wi would like to trade tee-shirts with you. I would like both shirts if possible and I will send you
2 of mine. I need XLarge in both ok. here is my Address When I get yours I will return my 2 right away priority mail
ok. Mine have my name on them hope thats ok. I will take both Burlington @Cedarburg ok. If you don't want
2 of my shirts I'll send you one of my other shirts in my collection ok. Thanks for you time Scott firefighter16@charter.net or holmen769@yahoo.com. Have any questions e-mail me ok.

Mike Proksch
320 State Str #14
Holmen Wi 54636


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