I know enough not to leave my uniform or gear around the station. Just last week I saw someones shirt hanging from the rafters in the bay and another time saw a top in a baking pan frozen solid in the freezer. Real funny at least it wasn't mine.

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There is no end to the jokes and lil set-ups always be on your toes,it keeps the wits sharp and tunes the attention to details
Got it Thanks I know somethings gotta happen eventually.
believe it or not, at my station you get a whole lot of respect. we are all so close and more like family. its great. of course there is inside jokes and innocent pranks but we all know its out of love. they expect you to know your shit though or you will get a sgt on your case for awhile but they are there to teach not punish. we do everything as a team. at the other stations in my city they should have a camera crew on at all times cuz that shit is like a friggin soap opera! everyone talks sshit behind everyones back and there is always some crazy rumor about someone. they only wish they could get work done like we do at st. 34/35!
We had a guy leave his keys on the table. He woke up the next morning to go home and found them in abig pot of frozen water. There was a note in there that said you may need these to leave.
lots of things can happen around the station. one night on stand-by, the guys cut the legs of a juniors cot. when he went to lie down, the legs snapped and he hit the ground. Haha! it was funny. Also, a good prank is to get a pair of ladies underwear similar to the color of your gear and place it on the outside of someone's bunker pants. in the rush of getting dressed for a call, they will never notice. however once at the scene, someone is bound to notice, especially an old timer. makes for a great gag!


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