I work at a volunteer department and i and trying to get a really good training night going for my department for R.I.T. Becasue we are a volunteer department and the majority of the others around my station are career ones our BC sticks us with R.I.T. And the problem with that is alot of the guys in my department know what R.I.T. is but dont have much if any training on being part of a R.I.T. team members. Any ideas as to how to go about getting a good training session going on. Any ideas would be greaytly appreciated.

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Well first you have to make sure what RIT is, what it does, and what parameters does your department use it for. Is it for every working fire?, Is it a automatic when a working fire has been declared or does it have to be asked for?, Is there a process in which RIT is instituted to the fireground or are they just put the side as a last resort? Is it possible that the RIT can be put to work for fireduty? Is there another RIT requested if so?

As far as training, is there a certain number of personnel you must have to have a RIT team. My volunteer department is no less than 5 with a maximum of 7 including the chauffer. Are their radio desinations for the RIT members, does each member have specific assignments ?, are they responsible for specific tools to be brought up with them ?(Ex; RIT #3 and RIT #4 are responsible for deploying a 24' extension ladder off to the side on the exposure #3 side of the building just in case it may be needed, and to report on where all exterior doors are located thruout the building.

Hands on training is practice, practice, practice packaging and firefighter removal. In the beginning just get used to packaging---and getting good at it, know the ABC's - "A" = AIR Is he on Air? - does he need his face piece replaced? If he isnt on air then you doing nothing but doing a recovery and not a rescue. Whats the firefighters status? -- Is he critical where you will do whatever needs to be done to get him out and hope for the best or is he just lost and needs to be guided out or trapped but not in serious condition - where time isnt critical?. "B" = Belts - getting the waist belt buckled can be tricky - especially if the firefighter doesnt wear it buckled. If he doesnt now you may have to go searching for the ends. Doing it with gloves also can be difficult at best. "C" Chest - Loosening the chest straps so you can drag the firefighter also can be difficult if you arent used to do it. Do you need to knot the strap to make sure it doesnt pull out? Different techniques, different scenarios, know LUNAR, know what types of Scott Paks you have, not all departments have the same Scott Paks. Know your mutual aide deparments Scott Paks - never know if that could happen.

SCBA training - know yourself and know your own capabilities. Putting a guy in with a guy who is going to burn through a 30 minute bottle in 8 minutes and pairing him up with a guy who does the same in 20 minutes can be counter productive. Do you know how to get out of the building god forbid the IC says everyone out NOW ! Does the team members know all the emergency procedures for the Scott Pak. One of the simplest ways we tested our members was we ran a hose line through one of the elementary schools jungle gyms and had members follow the charged hose line throughout. They had to perform all the emergency procedures by the time they were done.

This are just some of the VERY basic things that can be done. Good luck with everything
Quick note, If the dept. s around you all have the same scbas then there is no problem but if you have MSA and the dept. you are doing rit for scott you need to be familiar with their scba s so you can address problems they might have


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