I'm emily williams. I'm from Bland County VA and i am a Volunteer with Hollybrook Mechanicsburg VFD. My department is nothing but redneck ffs so i'm used to fighting fire with as much stupidity as i can stand. I'm 23 and have been a ff for almost 5 years. I love what i do and have done many stupid things i assure you. Where i come from we bring a whole new meaning to the term redneck. Trust even our trucks are decked out with redneckism.

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Hello, To introduce myself, I am Marty Ross I am with the Clever Fire District, I have been a firefighter for the last 28 years. I'm a Asst. Chief with the department. We are a small town in Missouri
hey im ben limerick ,from maine born and raised , im on mechanic falls fd , we run bout 500-550 calls a year with a pop of about 5,000, we run out of one station ,have 2 engines,1 ladder, 1 rescue, 1 pickup , and one badass brush truck , ive been on the dept for bout three years , if you want redneck come to maine ,, my nickname at work is "hillbilly joe " someting bout wearing flannel and a carhartt hat and loggers with scrubs in a nursing home lol ,i grew up dong farming and logging , i would still be logging if i could but no one is hirein in my area.i plann to join the army for combat medic /firefighter , oh i also drive a dodge but wish i had a chevy ,i love muddin and anything out side , any q's hit my up on them there mail thing
Michigan here, Names Robert, We have a pretty rednecked up dept. But then again you could say that about most rural dept's.
Highland KS here population 700. SALUTE!!! LOL If you can count to 100 you are not allowed on our dept. JK Our motto is bailing wire and duct tape can fix anything. that or "If you cant weld it, wire it, or duct it, F*CK it" LOL
im joe elam im from richland Mo i volunteer for hazelgreen vfpd im only 17 but i dont get treeted like it to everyone im just a regular i have been in the fire service for coming up on 1 year and im loving it my plans after high school areget a dreege in fire science and becoe a paid fire fighter my beliefs aredo what youe told dont ask qestions and MAKE SURE EVERYBODY COMES HOME just as they left if hey dont some one wasnt wacthing someones back because my rule and im pretty sureeverybodys rule is two in two out no matter what because there is not enough of us anways (peace out)
I'm Lee Huff, with the Lawrenceville VFD. We are the northernmost fahr station in West Virginia, right where OH, PA, and WV come together.
YO my name is John Houghton alais Hooter I'm 1st asst chief in the Bloomingdale Vol. Fire Dept. Love this site I'm not really a red neck more of a hippie redneck. My kids are true rednecks. I knew i was in trouble when my daughter asked to use the electric heater to make toast. were a small dept. in northern N.Y. on the Canidian boarder.
David Rivers here from Ruby SC ....ff for 8 years and love every minute of it....
My name is Heath and I am with Pinion Pine Fire Dept. in Kingman,AZ. We are a combo dept. and we only have about 9 ACTIVE members. We usually only have two guys on a truck to respond but we still get the job done. I have been in this service going on 6 yrs now, I really enjoy the wildland firefighting overall but I do it all....
I am Eric AKA Roscoe i run with Hecktown VFC in Lower Nazareth Township , we are a fairly small Vollie Dept with about 20 active firefighters total but mainly a handfull who run calls , there a few rednecks here including my self
nice to meet everyone i hope all of you stay safe and hear from everyone soon
Hey every 1, Im from Upstate (Schoharie County) New York about 1hour south of Albany. AND yes the North east does have it's share of rednecks


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