I'm emily williams. I'm from Bland County VA and i am a Volunteer with Hollybrook Mechanicsburg VFD. My department is nothing but redneck ffs so i'm used to fighting fire with as much stupidity as i can stand. I'm 23 and have been a ff for almost 5 years. I love what i do and have done many stupid things i assure you. Where i come from we bring a whole new meaning to the term redneck. Trust even our trucks are decked out with redneckism.

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I'm Jacob Pelham. I'm from Itasca Tx and I Volunteer for my city's department. I'm 18 and I have been around firefighters all my life my father was one so i was raised a firefighter. My belief is one day very very soon the South will rise again and i will be leadin the pack
mmm,,where do i start,,oh yeah my name is tom,i'm probably gonna be the only guy from the north in here,but that doesn't mean i haven't seen some stupid things done.Oh by the way lee is more than the founding member of the Ain't Right Club,he's our president.
Hey I'm from Maine , so don't feel so alone. Anyways, I've seen some redneck things on My department. For a Downeast Department we're not that bad but we do have our moments.
im from Arkansas i been on Ouachita VFD for a little over a year my department is full of readnecks. im 19 male. i have a brother and mom that are both on VFDs too.
GIT ER DONE!!! Hi my Name is Steve Cooper and I am from the Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Department From the Backwoods of Redneck Country in Morgan County, Hell Ladies and Germs I have been a firefighter for 2 1/2 months and the city of our small back wood country is known as Shack Rag, long damn story on that one. We do allot of fun and stupid Stuff any were from bumping our heads to firetrucks walls and frames, to food fights to chasing everybody around the building. We even wet everyone with the hose on the firetrucks we have good ol times here in ol Shack Rag country. Allot of pickin and Deep fried fish and Chicken. We have 22 members on the department and building. Heck yeah if that aint gitten er done I don't know what is. I am public Relations officer to yard attendant and fixin to be a first responders. Heck the cooks even get aggrivaded sometimes and have food fights over it. What a mess man what a mess but thats what we are we are VOLUNTEERS, WE GIT ER DONE KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES LATER. My boats outta here guys, C YA redneck worms and take care of yall selves.

Rob Lunsford Jefferson Township Fire Department just outside of Dayton, Ohio. We cover 27 sq. miles of mostly farm country with a population of 8,600 with about 4 sq. miles of densly populated area (better part of 40% of our population) with everthing from a 550 sq. foot house that last sold for $2,000 dollars to homes in the $350,000 range. We have well educated people (some college professors) all the way down to Joe Bob the redneck who dropped out of kindergarten! (or so it would seem to talk to them). My station is one of 4 stations and out of everyone there only one does not drive (or has driven) a pick up truck and all (even the guy with the Chevy Lumina) seem to be ok with being labeled rednecks (since we really are don't ya know). I have worked in the past for a department that covered a village of 260 homes that was only just under 1 sq. mile and part of the surrounding township as well as a city department covering a suburban area of 18 sq. miles with 7 stations and a population of nearly 80,000.
i am brian ive been a fir fighter for 3 years i am a fire fighter at the Maine Volunteer fire company of coal township pa
I'm DJ Lee I live n vt and have been a firefighter for about 10 years.Some people call me a redneck firefighter cause I have more lights on my truck then all of our fire trucks combined. I ride bulls love to go fishing hunting etc. Aint telling yall nuthing yall kwon what I mean. So remember to GIT-R-DUNNNNNN!!!!! Yall stay safe out there!!!
Im Melissa i was a firefighter for three years for the wallingford volunteer fire dept.. I was Jr. Chief for half a year. It was the best time of my life.
i feel like an old man here im 50 . i been a redneck firefighter for 17 years chief of a small dept in south arkansas [hey justin ] we are 20 strong we have one truck we call tiny its a 3000 gallon tanker on a 10 ton military chassi with a 60000 lb winch on the front it was a bridge erection truck . we have pulled a 20" diamiter oak tree down to put out a fire in the top of it . we have pulled a house down for a control burn . we moved a wood frame house 10 feet with the winch then set the house on fire to try to save a tree
i hope we qualify to be in this group

oh and im a terable speller
allrighty well im Cody Vogt. I'm a volunteer at Sisterdale VFD. theres about 35 people in Sisterdale. its a very small town in the heart of the Texas hill country. Our department is very redneck. our chief buys chew by the pound and our station dog is a blue healer. anyways yall be safe

Cody Vogt
I am Amy Adams from Waverly TN. I've lived here all my life and have only been on 2 dept. (5 years all together.) I love it SO much and all they guys treat me the same. We are pretty redneck also. All of our dept. parties are at the chiefs house usually with one of our own pigs or cows. lol! Our rescue truck is a 80's model chevy and our brush truck is a 80's model dodge. lol! We have fun tho!!


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