Pa. chapter 12 is proud to announce that once again that we are hosting the Red Knights at Gettysburg. Being held same time as Gettysburg bike week July 9-12th. Once again we have held the cost to a minimum with only a dollar increase in cost. We will have motorcycle guided battle field tours with a licensed guide from the park service, who has written 2 books about the war in Gettysburg. We will have our police escorted ride to the National Fallen firefighter memorial with a BBQ lunch to follow. Friday night we will have a buffet dinner at the Eisenhower hotel. The Eisenhower will be the host hotel and is right next door to the bike week events. There is a block of rooms being held just call the Eisenhower during the day from 8-4 and ask for Mary Lou (717-334-8121) tell her you want a room under the Red Knights Pa.12 block. Self guided tours will be available. You must pre register for these events. For a registration form go to and any questions contact Brian @ .

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