This is a place to give feedback to other operators of how you run the pump. Preference of pump panel placement, pump makes, 1 or 2 stage, overall layout of the panel, so on and so forth.

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Top mount with 2 stage Hale or waterous pump....

Top mount takes away much of the placement issues you get a full 360 view around the apparatus as well as added safety on scenes
Side mount, Hale pump, and I prefer no electronic valves, throttle or PTO.
Sorry to tell you guys but these are not ways to operate the pump, these are preferences.
Top mount is good for 360 viewing providing you live in a warm climate or don't mind the cold and I mean the cold with wind. I prefer nothing electronic except for the engine, because that way I control the pump operation not the computer.

I liked to use the road pump as much as possible as in I used it on anything that could be handled by eather the reels lines or the 1 3/4" preconnects

The reason for that is if the main pump goes down it is 2 months in the shops to be repaired while if the road pumps goes down it is 2 hours with the area repairman in the Station

So what might be some preferences in pump panel placement top or side mount?

So apparently no one has a preference where the panel is.

Andrew, you and I are alike, we both like 100% total control of the panel, the best way to be.

Andrew Bayless said:

Side mount, Hale pump, and I prefer no electronic valves, throttle or PTO.

Hi Andrew: I prefer a side mount because when you cannot see what is burning and all you have to rely on is the radio it makes you a better operator in the long run, a top mount is great if it is enclosed and up north and in the winter or down across the sourthern part of the U S.


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