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You can see me clearly on the left but I was alone in the room lol The first picture look at the second floor balcony to the left, there is some one there and I was alone. Picture #2 look at the second story balcony by the end rail and you will see the lady my partner saw with his eyes. He described her to me and when I reviewed the pictures there she was....
that is so weird
the pic with the faces
thats kool my husband does the ghost stuff...
I am trying to get permission from Sony Pictures to change my teams name to "National Ghostbusters" lol
thats kool i would go out with my husband and catch some but i cant cause of our daughter...
Carol you scream like a little girl when you see a shadow.... That is why you do not go lol
its true i do scream when i see a shadow...
thats funny the other night when we were in bed and i heard the dogs bark i went to the front door to see who was here but there was no one there and when i was walking back to the bedroom a shadow ran darted in front of me and scared the shit out of me....
Dave been trying to send a message to you but can't. so here goes...
a few years ago i went down to ground zero to meet up with a friend and we were there for a good 5 hours,walking around taking photos going to museums etc.
while we were in the area of ground zero the whole time i heard a pass alarm going off, i thought since we were near the fire house across from ground zero, i thought someone had forgottento turn theirs off. but it was just to creepy for that idea.
my sister had just past away, we buried her and came home, i was reading the newspaper or something and my dad said go get the mail i was huh? so instead of starting an arguement with him i went down stairs,came back and left the mail on the tv,sat back down,for some reason i looked up and the mail just flew off the tv. mind you this was feb. windows closed. never happened again.
i got millions of stories!
same house as below.
after my mom died i always sat in the kitchen, all of a sudden i started smell sickly sweet perfume in a tiny corner near the window and counter meet, i thought it may've been the girl downstairs so i ignored it, every day/night(can't remember time), i smelled the perfume, so i finally decided to walk downstairs and ask the girl (nicely),what was the perfume she used? she said she did'nt wear perfume it made her sick. i was like oookay.
and this continued for quite some time every day same visit, iran into the wife of my landlord's and told her the story etc,figuring she would probably think i was nuts anyway,and she was like oh my mother law always drove me nuts with a sweet smelling perfume! i asked if she ever lived in the house she said yeah where you live and died there,i had goose bumps at this point. but went back upstairs and thought about the situation,forgetting the time i started to get up from my chair when i smelled the perfume and this time it was really strong, i said gee Stella (mil's name), i completely forgot! how are you this evening? and the smell went away. my cats saw her also, my cat Bogie,jumped up on our stand up freezer and started lifting and lowering his head as if someone was scratching his neck after a few minutes he jumped off and walked away.
Stella stopped visiting after my sister passed away,my sister died in her sleep of a heart attack at 45,in that house.
my father died 6 months later but i guess Stella was done with her work, before he died.


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