how do you guys feel about consolidating fire dept. within your fire dists??   They are talking abot doing it at my station which would end up making our station a "sub" station with pid firemen from the OTHER DEPTS !!!!!!!!


Im against it.....................Your thoughts would be appreciated

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Norm, we have 3 fire districts in my town. I have heard the talk about the state wanting to eliminate fire districts. If that is the case, and the 3 districts consolidate, then, for one, each district is most likely to lose money in the budgets, and 2nd, we would go from three sets of commissioners to one. One good thing is that it would reconfigure the response areas because my firehouse is literally a block away from the neighboring district. I don't know how some of the old-timers who still have a lot to say would feel.
thanks for responding........i guess my main concern is that the "bigger" stations will put "their" guys in our station as the paid guys & we get screwed again
Middlesex county tried to do this about 25 years ago. It didn't work then, and I don't see it working now. The unions are trying to do everything they can to do away with the volunteer service. With all the current layoffs, retirements, and buget cuts, it would be in thier worst interests in persuing this.
Well our situation varies way out here in the cornfields. I'm out in Warren County, where we have no fire districts, commissioners, or IAFF. My town had two seperate departments, and three stations. In a FEMA mandate, we are currently 12 days into the department consolidation, and things already have a brighter outlook. We are here to protect, and now the department is more prepared and equiped than ever before. Also, in tough econimic times, it benefits the town budget and the taxpayer. My department was the larger of the two and required more $$ for truck maintenance and other costs. This then forced the town to shell out the same dollar figure to the other department so no accusations could be made of favoring one over another. Most of that other money went to waste, IMO. Also, it takes some of the burdon off of the OIC on the fire ground when worring about mutual aid. An alert can bring in excess of 40 SCBA FFs, multiple exterior FFs, and Fire Police for scene security and traffic details. So, consolidations... I'm all for it.
I have found out a little more since my last post....... It appears the "big" push for the consolidayion is the ff union & the paid guys in the township..... They want to take over everyone else......
Well since my last post, the mayor and council in my town have told all 3 districts that they want all 3 to consolidate into one. Don't know when its suppose to happen.
as both a paid and volly guy I think what you need to do is look at the big picture is it going to protect the citizens better if there are paid guys there or vollys. can we get what we need to put out the fires at all times of day I mean its tough call. do I think its better to have paid guys I think its better to have people in the firehouse ready to go right away if you can reduce response times from 10 minutes to 5 that makes a huge difference in a fire situation doesnt matter if its paid or volly. the biggest thing again whats better for the tax payer as well as the victim not our egos or wants whether paid or volly


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