New Hampshire Firefighters


New Hampshire Firefighters

For all the New Hampshire firefighters and emts.

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Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Newport/ Claremont area FF's

Started by Rich Schwarzenberg. Last reply by Pete Lamb Oct 2, 2010. 1 Reply

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Comment by Doug Newgass on June 28, 2010 at 7:07pm
The Midwest and West Coast are on Fire!

I bet your wife or girlfriend uses those "fu-fu" smelling candles in your house.

We all know how dangerous those candles can be. I came home one morning after my shift and my wife had left one burning all night long. That would have looked great on the 5:00 news, "Firefighters house burns to the ground from an un-attended candle."

The FDNY website & The NFPA have pages dedicated to candle safety. The bottom line is, they are just not safe!

My wife stumbled upon a great product that is simply remarkable; a wickless, flameless candle. No open flame, just a light bulb and scented wax. I have to admit they look and smell great!

With my encouragement, (Since she almost burned the house down) she has started selling these wickless candles and business has been great!

They make great gifts, and you truly are helping your friends, neighbors and loved ones by giving these as a gift.

The company has been around for about 6 years and there are only 74 consultants in the entire State of New Hampshire and almost 100,000 company wide.

This is an awesome opportunity for anyone with the entrepreneurial spirit!

Face it, you have the credibility as a Firefighter, and it's a great product that you can stand behind and your market is virtually untouched! Check out her website or call her for more information.


Doug Newgass

Contact: Wendy Heath-Newgass email:

Comment by Matt Nesius on March 18, 2010 at 11:47am
Hello all, I wanted to invite you to check out a new site called Its a site for FFs to buy, sell and trade with other FFs, for free! Thanks, stay safe.
Comment by Marcus Cartier on December 3, 2008 at 8:26pm
Just joined the group and wanted to say hi to all.
Comment by 4RC1 on September 28, 2008 at 11:15pm
Any Monadnock area folk?
Comment by Rusty R. on September 28, 2008 at 8:42pm
Southern New England F.O.O.L.S.
2nd annual H.O.T. Weekend!
“Hands On Training”
October 24th, 25th, & 26th 2008
Old Wood School , 202 South Street, Plainville, MA 02762

Engine Company Operation
Vent, Enter, Search
Handling Your MAYDAY
Rope Assisted Search
Firefighter Rescue
Auto Extrication
Training provided by some of the best local and nationally recognized Fire Instructors
Full Course Descriptions - Click Here

Friday Night Seminar: Learning From Loss -
Presented by Chief John McLaughlin, Clinton, Mass. (1900-2200hrs)
Saturday: 8 Hours of Hands-On Training (0800-1700hrs)
Saturday Night: Brotherhood Bash (2000-???hrs)
Sunday: 4 Hours of Hands-On Training (0800-1200hrs)

Friday Night Seminar is only $25
Hands-On Training (for both Saturday & Sunday):
$150 for FOOLS members $175 for non-members
(Free Lunch provided both days)
Brotherhood Bash is free and open to all attendees
Lodging: Special room rates are available and reserved at the Holiday Inn, 31 Hampshire St., Mansfield, MA 02048. 508.339.2200
Book your room under Southern New England FOOLS

Register Now!!
Get your Registration Form and Waiver Agreement here!!
Pay your training fees, fast and easy, through our online store!!!
Please make sure to fill out both forms and mail them with payment to
the address listed on the waiver form.
Comment by Joe on August 16, 2008 at 7:38am
So who is going to the EMS conference in Bartlett this year???
Comment by Rusty R. on August 5, 2008 at 10:27pm
2nd Annual New England FOOLS Harbor Cruise

August 14th beginning at 1900 hours.

The boat is ALL OURS for two hours.

A night of FOOLishness on the high seas!

We're limited, email PJ if you're planning on attending,

$10 per person, payable to the Chapter.
Comment by Rusty R. on June 11, 2008 at 10:35pm
New England FOOLS Summer School 2008.

Single day applications being taken!

July 11-13, for more!
Comment by Rusty R. on May 31, 2008 at 1:35pm
New England FOOLS
Summer School

July 11th, 12th and 13th 2008

Friday July 11th 1900 hours

Saturday and Sunday, July 12th and 13th 0800-1700 hours

Fri night: Keynote speaker Lt. Dave Gallagher presents his Big Truck, Little Crew approach to short staffed companies at the Georgetown Country Club, Andover St Georgetown Ma

Sat/Sun: Hands-on at the acquired structure 20 Parish Rd, Georgetown Ma

Cost: $150 FOOLS Members, $175 non-members; lunch included both days

Friday Evening Lecture only: $25.00

So, you missed Spring Training again, eh? Heard about it from a Brother? Wanted to go to the April FOOLS training but just had to rearrange that sock drawer, or was it wash your hair? Well, just like 3rd grade you get a second chance!

Here is Summer School 2008. Join the Georgetown Fire Department and the New England FOOLS for skill stations and real-time evolutions in an acquired farmhouse that is sure to make for a weekend not to be missed! We know where they were in March;
Let’s find out yet again “where have all the firemen gone…”

• Vent/Enter/Search, what every big city and small town “truckie” should know.
• Forcible Entry means never having to knock twice.
• SCBA Confidence and Mayday recognition, you’ll be a-mazed what you don’t know!
• Firefighter Self-Survival Skills, so that Everyone Goes Home.

For further information and downloadable application visit

Application Deadline: July 4th 2008

Make checks payable to: New England FOOLS Inc.
Mail to: Summer School 2008
C/o New England FOOLS
P.O. Box 109
Georgetown, MA 01833
Comment by Rusty R. on March 23, 2008 at 10:36pm
Brotherhood Bash 2008

Okay all you FOOL-ish folks, here's the announcement! Spread the word!

Saturday March 29th, 1930 hours, the Cape Neddick Lobster (lobstah) Pound Shore Rd Cape Neddick Maine.

They've put together a FOOLS menu for us to appease you flat-landers too.

The drinks will flow, the Brotherhood will abound, and NO ONE will leave unhappy!

Raffle and door prizes provided by F&T Products (, Sterling Rope and Total Fire Group to name a few.

This will be another one for the ages, so bring your wife, bring your girlfriend, bring your wife's girlfriend or both!

Most importantly, bring your lid, but watch out, 'cause Uncle Louie might try it on if you leave it at the bar!

More at

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