Mighty Russia (Могучая Россия)


Mighty Russia (Могучая Россия)

Знаешь русский язык! Надоело переводить с английского! Тебе сюда! Всё на русском!===== You wish to know about Russia more. There are questions on Russia. To you here.=====

Members: 12
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2010

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Кто мы и откуда?(Who we and whence?)

Started by Evgenie Frolov from Russia. Last reply by Evgenie Frolov from Russia Oct 31, 2009. 2 Replies

I will answer any question on Russia!!!!

Started by Evgenie Frolov from Russia. Last reply by Evgenie Frolov from Russia Jun 29, 2009. 2 Replies

I had to join

Started by the Happy Medic. Last reply by Evgenie Frolov from Russia Mar 8, 2009. 2 Replies

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Comment by Evgenie Frolov from Russia on March 20, 2010 at 3:41pm
I saw films only with Russian words. I do not know where to find films in English or the French language.
Comment by Mikaël on October 17, 2009 at 10:27am
For French people, Russia is a big country in the East very far and very cold not really modern. For me Russia is the biggest country in the World (in fact it is), not so far and a little bit cold...
Your country is changing very fast and tomorrow will be again an important country with a special rule in the World.
French Movies are good, I remember "toy" ("le jouet" in french with Pierre Richard). For those who love french Movie, I recommand to see "le boulet", "bienvenue chez les cht'is", "la vérité si je mens", "les bronzés",...
Could You send me some links to see good Russian videos?
Comment by Boris on September 11, 2009 at 3:47pm
In Russia really very much love France. At the time of Soviet Union (and now too) the French cinema was especially appreciated. One of favourite films of my childhood - "Toy" with Pier Rishar
Comment by Evgenie Frolov from Russia on September 8, 2009 at 1:55pm
France-one from those countries which Russian people wish to visit. It is valid so. The French policy specially do not watch. But for firemen we look. It is interesting to us how are you doing in all countries at firemen. We were to be helped with suppression wood fire and in other difficult situations. I love beautiful France. Its beauty bewitches me.
And what do you think of Russia? What do you think about us?
Yours faithfully Evgenie
Comment by Mikaël on September 8, 2009 at 1:39pm
Hello everybody.
I have a question for every russian firefighter. Feel free to answer.
How does russian people consider France today (I mean not only politicaly but music, importance, is it the first country you want to visit...)?
Thanks from a french man who loves Russia.
Comment by Mikaël on May 21, 2009 at 2:51pm
Hello everybody, I am very interested by everything who concerns Russia.
So be sure I will have many questions for You. But one after one. I 'll give you time to take a breath and after...
Comment by Evgenie Frolov from Russia on March 2, 2009 at 6:11am
В наши обязанности входит тушение зданий всех категорий огнестойкости,а так же тушение автомобилей,гаражных стоянок и прочее.В нашей работе обязанности не распределяются как в Америке.В России каждый может выполнить любую работу.
Так же мы выезжаем на дорожно-транспортные происшествия(ДТП),на уборку упавших деревьев,в помощь населению (открывание дверей в квартире,снятие котов с деревьев и многое прочее).В России работать в Пожарной Охране (ПО) намного тяжелее "ИМХО".
Некоторое видео смотреть действительно тяжело.Здесь я полностью с вами согласен.Я добавляю это видео специально для того,чтобы все могли посмотреть как работают,тренеруются и дурачатся пожарные в России.Можете задавать интересующие вас вопросы.С удовольствием отвечу.Можно не по теме ПО,тогда присылайте в личные сообщения =))))

Our duties include suppression of buildings of all categories of fire resistance, and as suppression of cars, garage parking and other. In our work of a duty are not distributed as in America. In Russia everyone can perform any work. As we leave on road and transport incidents (road accident), on cleaning of the fallen trees, for the aid to the population (opening of doors in apartment, removal of cats from trees and much other).In Russia to work in Fire Protection (ON) much heavier "IMHO". Some video to look really hard. Here I completely with you agree. I add this video specially that all could look as work, тренеруются and firemen in Russia play the fool. Can ask questions interesting you. With pleasure I will answer. It is possible not on a theme ON then send in personal messages =))))
Comment by Evgenie Frolov from Russia on February 24, 2009 at 11:53am
Добро пожаловать!!!!Все желающие!!!!

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