Martial Arts for the Fire Service


Martial Arts for the Fire Service

A venue to discuss how the martial arts have influenced your life and profession...

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Latest Activity: Jul 30, 2012

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Martial Artist in the Fire Service

Started by Christopher Snider. Last reply by Mike "Buzz" Buzzard Jul 30, 2012. 8 Replies

This is a shout out to any and all FF/MA... Karate, Kung Fu, TKD, MMA, Krav Maga, BBJ etc.wha is your system of choice and why?Continue

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Comment by larry cooke on May 10, 2012 at 1:14pm


Sorry for taking so long to respond. I've spent the last year trying to rectify some back problems. I had sciatic problems and during evaluation scans showed I fractures in L1-5 and S1,a rupture in L4-5 and surgery. I also have an old C4-5 break and fusion from a horse accident.

I weight lifted heavy training for F/F Combat Challenge 1993-1997 and went to nationsl 3 times, 1994 place 8th in nation in Dallas for my age group.


No, I'm not an instructor. I got a B/B in Iaido while in graduate school in 1976. (you probably were not born yet). I did put together training for Paramedics for "Psychiatric Care in the Field". It did include takedown techniques. I taught for 15yrs in Dever through one of the hospitals, Years ago (abt, 1977) I worked for a Psych. Hospital in Boulder, Co. and my job was restraining patients who were out of control and needed forced medication, I had a partner and we had a method that worked very well. 

I hope your doing well and stay safe.



Comment by larry cooke on November 16, 2011 at 2:44am


I wanted to thank you for worm welcome but appologize for the delay in responding.

I began in martial arts 1972 following  experiencing of being  held  hostage in a psychiatric hospital in Boston a paranoid Schizophrenic martial arts instructor.

I never wanted to feel that vulnerable ever again. As most of us do , we try out different styles until we find one that seems right.

I went to graduate school in Davie, Florida and found a teacher and began Iaido ,Omore style, in 1975. I still practice the forms but where I live (wyoming) there  are few of instructors.

I assume you are a Firefighter. I retired after 30yrs from a city outside of Denver Co. I retired as a LT on a paramedic engine running over 2500 calls a year for our enginea  one and 8000 for the city. I just got too old to continue. (63yo)

Thanks again for your warm welcone




Comment by Albert E. McDonald on November 16, 2011 at 12:00am

Hi all,

I prefer Bujinkan Ninjutsu which has prepared me mentally and physically for any obstacle in life and work. Natural body movements and no set form or technique to do. 9 priciple techniques turn into a infinite amount for various situations. From attacking a burning structure to defending off a hostile threat. 

Comment by Christopher Snider on August 29, 2011 at 8:55am
Welcome Larry!
A shout out to all members.... check out my Dojo @

Comment by larry cooke on August 27, 2011 at 6:36pm
Thanks for the opportunity to join. I had been the fire service for 30yrs and retired in 2003. I got involved in the matial arts in 1972. At that time I was working on a psychiatric unit and was held hostage by a martial arts instructor with a mental illness. The nurse, psych. DR, and myself were held hostage for 4hrs until we were released by Boston Tactical. I never wanted to feel that vulnerable and began training. I went throught many styles but ended with Iaido-Omori style (samarai sword). The internal nature of this style fit me.
Was a Lt. on a city fire/rescue outside of Denver, CO on a paramedic engine company. The martial arts allowed me the ability to draw from internal chi during stressful times.
larry (grampa307)
Comment by Derek R. on May 17, 2011 at 11:01pm
Hey there.
Just noticed this group after browsing the "groups" and thought I would pop in to say "hi".
I have 12 years in, doing a couple different styles. Main style I stayed with is Kenpo. Also have trained in Pai Lum kung fu, aikido, shoot wrestling, kick boxing,tai chi, some BJJ( enough to hold my own, but not enough for competition), and a little muay thai (and I do mean "little")
I now offer free instruction for victims of bullying. Nothing "traditional", just "street" stuff. They're amazed at how easy it is to do. Longest part is teaching timing and reading the body.
Anyway , don't mean to write a book here, just stopping to say hi and introduce myself.
Oh, and Mike,.,....Turtle power !!!!
Comment by Christopher Snider on November 25, 2010 at 11:02am
Buzz, what got you started in the martial arts?
Comment by Christopher Snider on March 1, 2010 at 10:00pm
I've been training for 30 plus years and it still feels brand new!
Who else is out there?

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