Here's a drill idea.... Personally i haven't had the chance to test it, would be a dis-service if i didn't share and merely an annoyance if you hate the idea.

First off with any drill you need a topic... any topic dealing with response i.e. Brush Fires, Structure, MVC or MVA it doesn't matter because the sole purpose of this is to get your guys on their toes.

When you have your topic you discuss everything that needs to be discussed and make known what you want to accomplish with the drill at hand, be it time or mastery or even just boasting privilages.
Secondly discuss the things that can go wrong, EVERYTHING!! again it doesn't matter how farfetched the scenario can be just remember anything that can go wrong will, and if it doesn't count your blessing's because nothing is absolute.

Then the company officer or whoever is holding the drill will need to write down the different outcomes like the attackline burst and the secondary isn't established that sort of thing, NUMBER!!! 1-12 for dice or if a deck of cards is your choice or just go down your list in a chronological order, its your bag of tea and merely an idea in motion so do what you feel would make this drill work.

Once numbered, it's time to get the line going in response mode, in everyway make this as real as possible and with all the obstacles in place because where this drill is going... your introducing Murphy's law into your drill. Your attack line is in place and one of your firefighters is missing... " WHAT THE HELL?!"  and now you make the mayday call for your comrade and then you get lost.... to make things worst your line is limp because it burst... then the truck company ventilates and your secondary isn't in place. 

limit to about 3 turns or more if you dare but Personally I feel that complacency and lack of training makes our life a lot harder, and from my soapbox I feel that there needs to be less justification and more accountability thus forcing you to make sure that , "If THIS ever happens..." I can be a little more ready for it.

Skill (new/old)

just a few things to keep in mind when coming up with things that can go wrong.

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