Ok, here is one for the group. We got called to a car fire and I as per protocall geared up. When I was done a went to the handline that was set up and took the nozzle. I told the pump operator that I was ready for water and let me tell you when I got the water, I got the water. I lost control of the nozzle because of the pressure. My back up person and I got it under control but I was pissed for having that happen. After the call was done and we were back at the firehouse, my Chief talked to me about what happened. I can tell you this and will tell anyone, if you pick up the line that someone else has layed out, check the nozzle and make sure it is off. Don't trust that it was checked before you got there. I always check now. Has anything like this happened to any of you....

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LOL, Oh my god what a shock that must have been..
I was a volly for the City of Chesapeake, VA. We were doing some hydrant drills one morning. What we were doing was hooking up to the hydrant and opening the valve. But we were not hooking up the Engine. So the water was just flowing out across the parking lot. And to be "safe" I was not opening the valve all the way. Well I had a Career member pick up the end of the 5" 15' peice of hose and try and move it. The problem was that there was to much PSI going through the hose and it broke lose. By the time it clicked what was going on and I could shut the hydrant down. The cupling hit the guy in the ankle and leg. He ended up going home and was off work for 5 days. I learned that no matter what you are doing with a hose and hydrant, no matter the diameter of hose you must hook it up a truck or make it long enough to put a nossle on it and have someone hold the end of it. I will never make that mistake again. It was not a very good feeling.
haha not to mention that you always open a hydrant all the way all the time no matter what. :D Funny story though.


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