I have been thinking for a while about fire prevention ideas, and how to improve our program at Depew. After a little thought, it occured to me that Lancaster has a great program for kids (they may have more that I haven't seen). Then I thought, well if they specialize in kids why couldn't we specialize in say senior citizens, and somebody else in say special needs families, etc. We have 8 departments in the fire council, why can't we break fire prevention up into 8 categories and each department specialize in one area?

Of course this would not mean that Lancaster would go to all the Depew Schools alone. We would do a lot of what we already do. They would bring their trailer, and we would do the fire prevention. But the program would be set up by Lancaster. In return Depew would set up a program for senior citizens, we would assist Lancaster at say Lancaster Towers.

I realize it needs more tweaking and better specifics, but it could be done. that leads to the next question. Where else can we help each other by breaking down programs or specialities by department. Any ideas? Lets here 'em!

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