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How do you fight grass fires?I would like to know how you and yours fight grass fires? Do you walk the fire line with a hoseline or pac tank? Do you ride on the truck w… Started by John |
0 | Nov 26, 2009 |
kansas state firefighter many in this group know about the kansas state firefighters assocation and have been to our monthly schools that we put on all across o… Started by Troy Wolf |
1 | Apr 20, 2009 |
Longtime Lawrence, KS Fire Chief diesOur thoughts and prayers go out to all of Chief McSwain's family, friends and the many fine members of the Lawrence Fire Dept. in this time… Started by CaptOFD |
0 | Dec 27, 2008 |
how many of your dept. require you to have medical training and what level are you.Our dept. dosen't require it but iam a emt-b because i also take call and run on our county's operated ems service Started by Troy Wolf |
13 |
Aug 2, 2008 Reply by William White |
your favorite job as a firefighterwhat is your favorite thing you get to do being a firefighter, structure fires, grass fires, extrication, water rescue, high angle and why. Started by Troy Wolf |
6 |
Jul 3, 2008 Reply by tyler cheesman |
how many of u kansas firefighters and emtswill be attending ksffa fire conferance or kemta emt conferance in the next two weeks Started by Troy Wolf |
1 |
Jun 9, 2008 Reply by tyler cheesman |
How many of you kansas members are part of the kansas state firefightersI have been to many of there schools they put one on each month in the state and i have been to there yearly conferance for the last 10 yea… Started by Troy Wolf |
0 | Dec 22, 2007 |
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