Hey, i'm a junior in western PA. i belong to Pioneer Hose Co. #3. I go to Highlands High School. This school year comin up we are starting the FIRST state approved essentials of fire fighting in a public schools coriculum. the class will be run with high discopline, anr respect. students will hold rank and there will be a system of merits and demerits. If anyone wants to get more info to try to start in YOUR school comment me or ill be checking this descussion. What training do you have in your areas or Dept.'s?

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our school has a tech school you can go to, but nothing specifically for firefighting. how many kids do you have in the class? i mean, we probably have a total of four or five firefighters at my school next year, since like 4 just left. and do you have to be a member to take the class? is grading the same? is it basically firefighter 1? and what are the ages? 14 and up, or 16? and do you actually do practical stuff, or is it all classroom?

I was just wondering, because i'm a firefighter in eastern PA and maybe we could get something like that out here.
Thanks for replying. Well we have a tech school to called forbs', but this is actualy at the school. We have in and around twelve to fourteen current Jr. firefighters from multiple companies that all go to our school district. This class is to help better train the Vol. firefighters of tomorrow and recrute more junior firefighters. If someone takes the class and is not a member of a dept. they WILL fail because they will not be covered by any insurance so they can't participate in the practicals. It is thier choice if they don't want to join, but if they don't they wil fail. The grading I'm not 100% on. This is like any training your fire dept. would have or send you to. Since there will be more than an accumulitive 166 hours as required for the new pennsylvania essentials of fire fighting, the class will be much more in depth with simulators, reaserch,hands on practicals. This is the Pennsylvania "Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Resopnse".
why cant CT get something like that. i go to a tech school. i am probbably the only ff that goes there. but the tech school upststat in the ny/ mass border corner organized a student response team because there are lots of ffs in the school.
I am a sophomore in Albany, NY. i would like to know more about in school training


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