I dont know anything about this exploreer stuff. Where i come i'm a jr. Nothing makes me madder than being called that too. They always got me doing heavy work on scene but back at the station im jr again. I've run 2 foam packs off forestry lines before for brush fires. Once that stove needs moved its go to the engine and get Bill. I can do everything they can if the state would step aside. I bust my balls just like everyone else. Im a firefighter. NOT A DAMN JR!!!!!!!

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Oh shit i do calls. Im the one who gets stuck carrying 500 ft of 21/2 though. My first time on accountability was the biggest fire my company has been in charge of in a LONG time. i kept track of over 70 guys for 6 hrs and always knew where ppl were. then i went and helped pack approx 1500 ft of 5 in.
Your a JR.
Your too young tobe doing that the friefighters are doing.
If yyour gonna complain soo much than Quit.
being a jr isnt that bad. i mean almost everyone has gone through it. (and i think being a jr is ten times better than being a probie)
the bullshit is just something you have to deal with. it's only for two years, and ive been around it my whole life, so you get used to it. if it really bothers you then dont take the shit. you can stand up for yourself... you may not be well liked by everyone, but they probably wont mess with you.
honestly, our job is to be the hydrant or hose bitch. there's nothing you can do about it, but that's life. plus, they'll probably forget about you once someone else joins.
dont worry though... it'll be over soon, and then you can torture the new juniors.
I just wanted to make a comment on your post here.
I was a junior for TWO years, and not just any junior.
I am the chiefs daughter so a lot more is expected of me,
than any other firefighter at that station, except for one LT.
which happens to be my mom.

I am now currently a "firefighter" and I am over the JR program with my mother.
because i know the shit yall go trough.
but once you are no longer a "JUNIOR" you are a "PROBY".
and thats just the same.

you can handle it the few years you're a junior.

=] jenn. [ [ 9 1 8 ] ]
we r junior firefighters keyword there im not knocking any one at all i dont like it but we r we gota get use to it till the state says we r no longer juniors but u no there is something worse then a junior......PROBIE lol jk yet again not knocking any one just saying

my opinions are mine not my companys not my famillys noone but mine
I know how you feel it really sucks! But what can you do?
kathy a probie is a probationary(sp) member and ur a probie from wen u join ur company till however many months ur company has it like are company is a 6 month probationary peirod i just finish mine a few months ago

and thts a PROBIE!!!

if u have anymore questions just ask aorund theyll be answered lol
yerp anytime
no dout same here, i am the qualified one in my post to go out on calls but my advisor snaps at me when i jump on a unit
I know what you mean. I'm Volunteer, but my dad's President of the Board and the SO. He can be tough on me but, I don't get much shit from the guys on the department(unless I need it:)) Being a junior sucks sometimes but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Most fun i've ever had.
Dude. you wont make it far in your department if you're going to complain like that
you ARE a junior.


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