oppions on placement of fire trucks at a accidentwhere would you place your trucks at ?

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the first truck in . i would place it off set to the scene so on coming cars had to go around it ,just in case some one wasnt paying attation what was going on no ems working would get hit .
in my opinion the rescue or whatever ur using as ur primary peice should always be placed to protect ur crew. even if it is off to the side of the road. for example dunncannon fire dept, in perry county pa, had a auto accident placed their rescue behind the incident protecting not onlye themselves but the patient and a gentelmen rear ended the rescue almost striking and killing one of the firefighters, the firefighter was my good friend. but hey thats what i would do. to not only protect u but others around you.
seems like the simple answer always pops up, everyone states use the rigs to protect the scene,. and thatsall well and good... on simple terms... what about in More complex senerios with multiple vehicular, spills and haz mat senerios , or multiple "scenes" where accident 1 happens at scene X and a chain reaction incident occures 30 feet or 3000 feet back or Your first in tunnelvision has you set up to protect Yourself and crew and scene in the median lane effectivly and you realize that 100 yards up the road , in the breakdown are others who were also involved in the orginal accident... what if you approah the scene and find a multiple passanger car vehicle accident which also involves an 8,000 gallon gasoline tanker which has be breeched and is leaking, Flowing down hill and TOWARDs the flow of traffic?? Your simple MVA with protection issues just became a major Incident , requiring More units, Foam, water operations Haz mat cleanup, etc etc... It all dependson your neck of the woods.. many areas assigns a "truck" basically to better block the roadway, allowing the engine to support extrication and the rescue companies with fire protection..(stretched, charged handlines) NEVER expect that Traffic is paying attention or even Cares about you, Apparatus Lighting Often Blinds oncoming traffic , often personel on the ground are not easily seen.. keep this in mind as well.. and watch out for those motorists that are so busy Gawking to see some blood and guts that they arent watching In front of them.. dangerous especially in the senerio with other involved parties forward of the scene and on the wrong side or the accident scene.. or creating another incident when the car ifo them stops and they dont ....

X= involved M/V
A = bus
R = rescue
E/ = engine angled for protection...
One Engine / One Ambulance response - The pumper gets angled in to the wreck (if it's safe to get close - no hazmat, whatever) so that the pump panel is away from traffic to protect the FAO. Block all the lanes you can and make sure you haven't left enough room on the shoulder for people to sneak by. Last tour someone shot around the nose of my pumper and drove straight into the middle of our scene, almost hitting one of our roughnecks.

The Ambulance should be beyond the scene (depending on the layout of the accident, etc.) protected by at least the pumper with the patient compartment facing away from any oncoming traffic. That's the best I can tell you in this little bit of space... ;)
Well lest face it the only people going top look out for us is us. So I belive to hell eith the lets keep the road open. Us the big fire truck and blok as much road as possible. If more than one truck responds then stack it further down the road and crate a buffer. But that just me
Our SOP has the engine block the lane or lanes behind the accident to protect the scene and get law enforcement there PDQ.


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