I see we are a whole seven members strong now. Lets get to know each other. Where do you work? What are the issues facing your departments today? Ours is trying to solicit participation in our group and, as Will said, response apparatus.


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Hello from Lloydminster, Alberta Canada...
I belong to the Fire team at the Husky Refinery, and am also on the High Angle Rescue team. We have been battling the company for numerous years to get training, equipment, and respect. Then a couple years ago, they hired a Safety Co-ordinator. He came from the Fire Training School, and brought with him his expertice in managing the teams, as well as HOW to DEAL with MANAGMENT. His favorite motto is " Baby steps, boys, baby steps". We started developing our own SOP/G's, pre-plans, table top senarios, and ERP discusions. We take turns "Chairing" our Training Days, as to develope our Commander's skills... gaining confidence in ourselfs, as well as each other. In the next month we will be recieving a NEW Industrial fire truck. Best equiped within 200 miles of our city. Something that everyone at the refinery said would NEVER happen.
With a noticable change of attitude and understanding, from Upper Management, of the "Importance of the TEAMS" , moral on the teams have gone from "whatever!?!?" to "when's our next training day?" Recruiting other members has also been a bonus. Thanx for this opportunity in relating our story...
I work at Toyota in Princeton, IN the job is interesting. 12hr swing shifts are sometimes challenging. I just got called in for another shift, seems that a co-worker had a heart attack, I don't know his condition yet, my families prayers go out to him and his family.
Stay safe.
We just got our new Industrial Fire Trucks last year. Replacements for our 40+ year old trucks. It was a big deal and re-energized our people. Where did you get yours from? Ours is from Smullen.


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