Just letting everyone know, that in Hungary we are hosting the world's first International Fire and EMS Motorcycle Response Unit Association (IMRUA) conference from the 12-14 June 2009.

If anyone is interested see http://connect.jems.com/events/international-fire-ems and send an email.

We will be discussing the role of 2 wheeled units in modern fire and EMS systems, as well as their efficiency from both an operations point of view as well as a patient care point of view. These units are ubiquitous, however lay people even know they exist.

We hope to bring these units into mainstream ems and fire/rescue. Also, there is a wealth of knowledge, expertise and specialized equipment out there focusing exactly on these MRUs.

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Replies to This Discussion

Patric- what a great idea. I will not be attending as I am still in Antarctica and transportation off the continent is not possible during the winter months (winter here is from Feb thru Aug,) but I am interested in future conferences. Will there be available informational synopsis for those interested but unable to attend? I think 2 wheel MRUs are of benefit, but it seems most departments look at this as a way for some firefighters to be paid for a hobby: I am most interested in the stats and info of how these units are contributing to your fire service.
Hi Marty

Actually, quite a few cities from the States have expressed interest.

When you finish your tour in Antartica, we await you in Budapest on your way home! :)

If you can, grab me a couple patches and XL shirts, Ill pay for them when we meet up next! :)

Can you please send me an email to docrescue@gmail.com and Ill put you on the mailing list for the conference, you will ahve all the info than.

Have fun down there, dont catch a cold! :)

Hey Patric - awesome. I think it's great that the States is interested. I hope that there are other countries interested, also - as I am all about world travel. However, it would be good to have these conferences in the States as there should be more interest in this type of response there - and... at least in Colorado... there is not. In our dept. there was kind of resistance!

Will you be attending the Euro rally in Spain - or any of the other brothers from Hungary? I really enjoyed meeting and visiting. Miki and I had a great time, even though we don't speak each other's language at all. I will obviously not be at that rally, but hope you all can make it there to meet and enjoy more of the Euro brothers. Eddy plans for Australia or New Zealand for 2010 - if all works out. We shall see. I would very much like to ride with you and the other Hungarian FFs some day.

What is funny about this place - we have had no new people here for almost two months. There are 157 people who have been together that long, and we are all pretty-much immune to any cold virus that lingers. I understand everyone stays pretty healthy until winfly in August when we start flights again. Then... the locals start catching the colds and flu. I had a cold while I was on special assignment at the South Pole for 6 weeks that I could not shake the entire time I was there. There were constant changes in personnel - scientists and support staff coming and going - and it was impossible to get the bug gone.

I will keep contact and hope to see you in October or November - I will talk more about that as we get closer and as my plans get solidified!



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