OK, I would like to start some discussion. Seems as if people join groups just for the hell of it! Im going to make you think! Hopefully we will have fun too.
You respond to an accident on your local Highway, car Vs. Tractor Trailer. As you respond and come around the corner you see a truck with this on the back....

What is your course of action, what references do you use, what initial strategies do you employ?
Wind is 10-15 mph out of the south, its cloudy and drizzly, and its 42 degrees F outside. Its 8:30 AM on Tuesday in November.
Whats Your Thoughts? Dont go too far into the incident there will be more info to follow. HAVE FUN and lets teach each other.

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Here's what I found in ERG 2004.

1017 124 Chlorine

CALL Emergency Response Telephone Number on Shipping Paper first. If
Shipping Paper not available or no answer, refer to appropriate telephone
number listed on the inside back cover.
• As an immediate precautionary measure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 100 meters
(330 feet) in all directions.
• Keep unauthorized personnel away.
• Stay upwind.
• Many gases are heavier than air and will spread along ground and collect in low or
confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks).
• Keep out of low areas.
• Ventilate closed spaces before entering.

Initial isolation -- 30 m (100 ft)

There's no spill so I'm thinking initial isolation is adequate.

I'm not a tech so basically I do what I'm told.
OK, Great! We have sparked discussion!! Here is some more info.

After reading you ERG's which you guys have stated you did, and you have taken the initial precautions and evacuations, you get a closer look and notice liquid leaking from the valve on the side of the truck. Theres a small pool underneath the valve. The truck is on its side resting on top of the car. The drivers side of the car is crushed, the driver of the truck is in the cab, seatbelted, unconcious. Youre on a two lane divided highway in the westbound lane. Time and weather are the same as above. To the north is a village, about 200 yards away, with a central school being the closest. What Now?
Check on number of patients and severity of accident. Check wind direction and advise all incoming units to come in uphill upwind. 1017 is Chlorine. Assess if Tank is leaking, where the car is and if it has caused damage to the tank. Upgrade the alarm. Initially isolate the area 100 ft in all directions. Use standard PPE initially for life safety rescue supported with Fog line if needed for vapor suppression.
Well I would stage upwind look through the binocs see if it is leaking. If it is upgrade to a level 2 haz mat response and follow my erg book til i get more help. But if it is not leaking i still approach from the upwind side and see if ther eare any injuries and see if i need to call for help.
A lot of good ideas on the 1017 124 Chlorine run. The only thing that was kinda missed was, and with every other run; always use good common sense. When I was a rookie, if I didn't have at least an awareness level haz mat unit on scene, I would handle any run as the DOT Emergency Response to Hazardous Materials book would call for. Excellent resource, but common sense needs to be displayed. When I read "Not Otherwise Specified", it shows concern with known health problems or can launch and I don't know the chemical, bet your butt I would do minimum upwind and x2 distances downwind (within reason).
Is the vessel that was transporting the Chlorine damaged? If damaged, to what extent? Use basic rules for isolation. 75 Ft. for solids,150 ft. for liquids, 300 ft. for gases. So lets start our initial isolation @ 300 ft. in all directions and then go from there
First order is to identify the chemical on the truck. 1017 is Chlorine, as has been identified and the initial steps laid out in a previous post. We have cloudy wet conditions, which can be beneficial. However, one crucial piece of information is missing. Do we actually have a leak? That will dictate our next several courses of action.
What resouces and support staff do we have?
First I back up and get my ERG. Its chlorine, so I make a hot zone and then determine if its leaking and go from there.
use ERG Chlorine approach up hill up wind.
set up initial isolation area
Guide 124
Evaluate situation


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