If you have Tattoos and Piercing's and have pics go ahead and post em! If you dont lets hear about them; what you have and where you have them. Im at the fire house right now and cant post pics here but will as soon as I get out of here tomorrow.

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This is my Tattoo with my companys logo in the maltese cross. My next tattoo will be on the other arm and it willl be a pin up, I'm just unsure of what type of pose to put her in.

What happense when you get promoted and you not Asst. Chief any more?
i currently have 4 piercings not including my ears and a may get more...i have been waiting to get tattooes but not by choice there are several things that i want to get and it is hard to narrow down just one to start with but i think that i am going to get my ff tattoo hopefully next weekend if all goes well!!
Currently sitting at 5 tats with about 400 in qeue LOL!!! Celtic Cross (first tat at 16 yrs old) on the outside of my my right forearm, Coyote Paw overlayed on a pentacle on my right fore arm (inside) on my right arm just above the elbow I have a Pacific NorthWest Native styled Coyote howling up. On My left fore arm (outside) I have a crecent moon (second tat also at 16) and on the innner side of my left fore arm a large tat that has too many meanings and things going on inside of it to dexcribe in here LOL I'll put up a pic some time. No piercings...... the 2 first tats were done with a home made gun....yup always thinkin right at 16 boy... sharpened guitar string attached to remote control car motor and a bottle of ink.....hmmm....amazing I still have my arms!!! thats all for now!!!


here is my newest tatto


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