Oh so long ago when i was early in my EMS career the crew and I were on our way to the grocery store to pick up some dinner...innocent enough...we had hardly turned off the main road onto the shortcut, which also had an apartment complex on it when the tones went off. Now as everyone was starving, we were all grumbling about how far we would have to go to respond ( as a rural dept we covered several towns and many square miles) but to our delight we found the address of the call to be at the housing complex. I throw on the blinker, key the mike and answer "received, enroute, on scene" to which the dispatcher replies " repeat that please" . Again I say "received, enroute, on scene" as now the rest of the crew is getting out of the ambulance equipment in hand. I wait while there is a long pause followed by "Ummmm, OK". We never could beat that response time! We also had to call in to the dispatch center (AKA police station) afterwards because they were still so confused.

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I love it! Great story. They probably imagined you miles away. haha!


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