Where is everyone from?

18 years in with Butler VFD and Howard VFD.

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I'm Lisa and I am from Brunswick, Georgia. I work for the Glynn County Fire Department.
Howdy there Ms Lisa!!
Howdy Randy. Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too ma'am!!
Howdy Trey, I am the Asst Chief in Howard.
Hey Trey! I'm Lisa. Nothin fancy, F.F. /EMT-I in paramedic school. Nice to meet you.
randy who? this is roy yoder from Montezuma Ga. are you still in butler or in howard. couch hughes just left macon county and went to howard high school as ad and coach. I am coming to butler to teach a mod 1 class the end of may. contact Emo
You know exactly who this is. Look at the pic on my profile.

How you been? You keeping Chief straight down there?
Hey Randy, Im Chad and I am new here too! I am a FF FR and am in EMT-I School right now. I work for Paulding County FD in West Atlanta. I am currently getting in a group called Rescue Angels. Everyone should look for it! It is a special group of people that are looking out just for FF's, EMT's police and their families! Both at home and at the stations. I will be a newcomer to it and you can find more information on the owners page. Her name is Sherry Miles, and her father was a FF. She is carrying on his legacy and her son is following close behind! Its good to finally find a group and a website just for us that we can find other FF's to talk with! This place is awesome!
Welcome Chad, you know the link to her page?
I'm Tom 16 years columbus fire&ems,6 years harris county ems.
Welcome Thomas, you don't happen to work the same station as Todd Bolen, do you?

Scott Boatner still working over there?


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