Hi Guys,


I am planning on becoming an EMT/Paramedic, so I joined my local VFD to gain some experience. Due, to basic training starting at the same time as the fall semester I had to put off my college until the spring. But, in the mean time I would like to find out some info on a 1st responder course. I found a company on the net yesterday but I can't seem to find it today. I live near Houston in Texas and would appreciate any info on 1st responder or EMT classes etc.


Thanks in advance and stay safe.



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Check out www.dshs.state.tx.us/emstraumasystems/ that should be your state website. You'll have to do some digging but there should be a place on there to help you find a program near you. Look for an EMT-B course, no disrespect to first responders, its just if you want to get your paramedic you will have to have your EMT-B (at least that is how it works here in Iowa, Texas could be different). Also check out www.nremt.org that is the national registry site. It also has a place for finding a program near you but it is currently under construction. I know thats not alot of help but its a start. Im a few miles away from texes so Im not 100% sure how you do things as far as certification and classes, but if you have any more questions I'll do the best I can to help. Good luck with the fire department and as always, be safe.
Hi Mark,

Thank you for the info, it backed up what I had found since I posted. My Capt told me about a local EMT service that runs an EMT-B course, which had its sign up the morning of the day he told me. But, it was run at the same time as our station meeting and also the same weekends as my basic training, so I couldn't get signed up this time anyway. So, I think in the mean time, I will do a first responder course online and take the exam after. It should give me a jump on my EMT-B course and a give me some very important information for when I am on scene and can actually help the EMTs or at least talk their language.

Thanks again and stay safe,


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