I purposed this question to my firefighters the other day and got some very interesting answers. Define a Volunteer Firefighter? My answer is, A Volunteer Firefighter is defined by courage, honor, respect, strength, endurance, brotherhood, commitment, and putting family life aside to help others in need. Do you agree with this definition or do you have more to add to it. I feel that Firefighters are born not made, it is who you are not what you do, Career or Volly.
it makes no differance. I would like feedback from you guys and gals, Thanks

Respectfully, Captain Showers


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i agree with you on this and being a volunteer is also good with helping out you commuinty.
I agree with your definition. As a volunteer I know that my reason for doining what I do is simple. I would want someone else to help me in my time of need. Firefighters are a diferent breed so to speak. They are just average people that feel the need to help anyone in need, it just so happens that the way they choose to help is hazardous. I've had people ask me if I think of myself as a hero. The answer is no I dont. Most people think we are crazy for doin what we do, after all we do run into burning buildings when everyone else is running out. I tell those people that bein crazy is what keeps me from goin insane.
dude i get asked the same question all the time.so when people ask me i give them a question can you do it for nothing?and most of my friends say hell no.so then i tell them not to judge.
I have to tell you, you hit the nail right on the head. I couldn't agree with you more. Career or volly, we're still putting our lives on the line. Fire doesn't know the difference, so why should there be a line between us.
You're right about that, fire doesn't care. So shouldn't the question therefore be "Define a FIREFIGHTER"
First a volunteer is an unpaid professional. WE ARE ON CALL 24/7 365 AND REGARDLESS OF HOW EXHAUSTED we make the alarm. Its all about being dedicated to your family, friends,and community.
Can't agree with you more. The bottom line is that people need to be willing to help others, and the willingness to help should not be beacuse of a paycheck.
ABSOLUTELY!!! It's definitely a job that you have to love... not just do. There are very few that will put their life on the line just to save yours and get nothing in return.
You defined it correctly and paid or not we all put the needs of others above ourselves and sometimes our family. I know I have had to leave my kids ball games because the tone went off but I am very lucky in the fact that my children are very proud of their mom and just smile when I say I have to go. Now my oldest son is a junior firefighter on the department and my youngest can't wait because they know what it means to give of yourself to help others even when sometimes there is not even a thank you after it is all over but I wouldn't change a thing. I LOVE what I do.
To sum it up, being a fire fighter is a way of life.....


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