This is my lil niche,Monster Flatheads. In the spring(end of april to the first part of june)river fishing for big flatheads is awesome. get on the backside of jettys, cuts or mouths of streams or rivers where the water is calmed by natural obstructions and work along the edge of where fast water meets calm water thats where the biguns nest up.I prefer to use either black perch or 6-8 inch carp for bait, as they are the natural enemy of the nesting flathead(egg eaters if you will).Flatheads are preditors,they are not scavengers. Live bait only for these monsters. I promise you a fight like you've never known when you set the hook on a monster flathead. I use a 8ft. surf rod with a 201 penn reel lined with 80lbs test, rigged with a 6 ounce drag sinker and s swivel tied 18 inches above it, leader strung 4-o shaunesey stainless steel hook,hook your baitfish through the tail so it dont die and put it out 20-30 ft from the bank just at the edge of the moving water, loosen the drag and sit back and wait but be on the ready because when the strike happens it will be fast and furious. I landed a 90lbs flat last year that took almost 3 hours before I ever got the first look at her,5 hours before I had her in my hands. WHAT A RUSH!
Good luck and happy fishin folks
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