What kind of camera do you use and why .

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Nikon D80 10.2 megapixel camera
Nikon SB-800 AF Speedlight flash
Nikon Nikkor AF-S DX Zoom 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Nikon Nikkor AF-S DX Zoom 12-24mm f/4G IF-ED
Nikon Nikkor AF-S DX VR Zoom 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED
Right now...

Primary: Canon Powershot S2 IS

Backup: Ricoh XRM.

Canon HG10

But I'm looking at a future purchase of:
Canon EOS 5DM2
I have chosen Olympus as my camera(s) of choice. They are user friendly, provide reliable performance, every feature that I need as well as the 4-thirds digital format that is perfectly suited to website use and printing of full-sized 8-1/2x11" photos. My main camera is an Olympus E300 Digital SLR with 14mm-42mm 3x zoom lens + aux 50-150mm 3x zoom lens. I use 4gig compac flash media which allows 2120 images at 8mp HQ resolution. My back-up is an Olympus C5050 non-SLR capable of short video clips and Pano's with a max resolution of 5mp.


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