Hi everyone, my name is Eric Michael Ziegelhofer and I run with a small two engine - engine company in Pennsylvania approximately 20 miles northeast of the city of Philadelphia. I serve as a firefighter and emergency medical technician basic in the town of Bristol in Bucks County. I am 27 years old and have over 75 certifications in all aspects of fire and ems, including Instructor one. One goal I have in mind it to become a suppression instructor in the near future, however, my first task is to successfully complete my Fire Inspector one certification, in the hopes of securing a career doing such.

At the end of this month, I will be beginning my Inspector One certification class at the county public safety training center. I am asking what tactics, resources, articles, websites, readings, and other information or tips you can suggest to me. I have been in the fire service for 11 years now and it has always been a dream of mine to pursue a career doing something I love to do. (I will admit I am a true definition of a volunteer whacker, lol!). The course book requirements include the 7th edition of the Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement IFSTA manual with accompanying work book or study guide. The other two requirements are the International Code Council's 2006 edition of the International Fire Code book, and also the NFPA standard 101, the Life Safety Code. Again, as I am new to this whole realm of the fire service I was wondering any suggestions you may have to aid me not only within my course, but also in the real world after class is completed.

I am looking for any tips you have picked up through your own work. Looking for magazines, including the usual fire service trade magazines like Firehouse, I am looking for any other magazines that may be available for this particular line of work, or specific articles that will provide excellent aid. In addition to the books listed above, what other books may assist me and if their are any field guides available. Any good or great websites that hold a wealth of knowledge or tips/tactics to becoming a highly-skilled Fire Inspector. Any other types of media I may have forgotten please feel free to aid me in anyway possible.

In addition to the discussion board, and the privàte messages available on Firefighter Nation, my personal e-mail address is fireemt52139@comcast.net. All and any help or further discussions are greatly appreciated.

Yours in Fire Safety

Eric Michael Ziegelhofer

Views: 135

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Hey Eric,

I am the Deputy Fire Marshal in charge of the fire inspection program in my juristiction. I am located just North of Reading, PA-my career department. I am also a Bucks Suppression instructor. I can help you out with alot of the inspector stuff. I have taken almost every certifcation through Bucks. I took Fire Inspector 1 ,2 & 3 through Bucks. I would recommend the fire inspection study guide CD-Rom. Its great- ther is one from IFSTA and one from Rapid fire. If you are not familiar with www.inspector911.com-there is alot of good info on that side. The other is www.inspectpa.com/phpbb. I thought if you took noted and listened during class you should do fine. The inspector 1 focuses on legal aspects and terminology. The disk is basically quiz questions.If you need more info-I have sample skill stations for the inspector series. If you are interested email me at jsearfoss@muhlenbergtwp.com. Stay Safe.


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