Hey there,

Put this out on the general discussion page, but just curious, anybody have any golf type domes, air supported membrane structures, that are sprinkled within the open dome area?? Not sure, but the one proposed will be 60 foot high, air supported. Fire Behavior/Physics suggest its too high for sprinklers to work adequately, and I've never seen one sprinkled. Just curious. Thanks


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That is new to me. Air supported? Will the structure support the weight of the water in the pipes? And since sprinkler lines have to be supported to structure and there is no true structure, how are they achieving this? I am not positive but feel certain that they have sprinklers that can provide the coverage.
I thought the code did not have a rule for the protection. I wonder what they did for protection in the football and sports domes. I see wwhere they have some towns that want to take the in-door golf range and use it for other events like a baseball game or craft fair. I thought the main problem was how to support the roof in case of a majopr roof failure! I would like to see if NFPA and the rest of the groups have a amendment to the code or does it fall under the ever popular A.H.J. clause
Ok, on second thought maybe we need a group field trip to a Cowboys game We could see how the big guys do it and work it back from there.


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