You"ll  hear a couple  versions  of this  story too..... but When was the first fire department organized in the United States?
        A large fire in Boston in 1679 led to the organization of the first paid fire department in America. The city imported a fire engine from England and employed a chief and twelve firefighters.

I believe  Cincinatti?  is   said to have the 1st  full career  paid  department    Circa  1850's (I Think  1854)




The first volunteer Fire Company was formed in Philadelphia, PA in 1736. Benjamin Franklin served as America’s First volunteer Fire Chief


 >  I would question this  I believe   that  as far  back as  there were "groups of people living  side  by  side"  Fire protection on some  level was  here,  the dutch in  new amsterdam had  Locations where  HOOKs  ie  THatch removal tool and  Ladders  to climb up to use  said  hooks  to pull off the  thatch that  caught   alight  from the chimney..    but  as in the old  west  all  the  neighbors  were  expected  to attend and  work to save  the fire victims  belongings  and bucket  brigade  and so forth , long  before  the days of  Engines

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You are right.  Franklin did not have the first volunteer fire company.  He was instrumental in starting the first thoroughly organized, Union Fire Company.  Franklins volunteers were very well trained and were required to have specific equipment, depending on what each volunteer's specialty was.


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