With the Fire Department Instructors Conference coming up in April, I wanted to let everyone know that the world's greatest firefighter tattoo artist is located just a few blocks from the convention center. He's tattooed dozens of firefighters from around the world & is very familiar with the look of firefighting tools & equipment. This, as you would imagine, can be very important; would you want someone tattooing a halligan bar on your arm if they've never seen one?
The artists name is Conan Lea & he owns
Voluta Tattoo Studio in Indianapolis Indiana. Now would be the perfect time to book an appointment in your planning on going to the FDIC in April.
You can check out a gallery of Conan's firefighting tattoos by
clicking here. He also has quite a remarkable collection of non-fire related ink on his website, definitely worth checking out.
If you know of any other tattoo artists who are great at inking fire tattoos, add their name to this thread.