Today i shot my first buck. Here in Pa it was the first saturday of deer season. i shot him in the spine and face. I didn't really wanna shoot him in the face but he was movin around and that was the only part i could see clear. i'm happy though. jus a 5 pt weighing about 150 or so. good eating deer.

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Replies to This Discussion

congrats on your first buck
Congrats to you!!
way to go:)
you got any photos of it yet. well lets see them. a trophy is in the eye of the beholder. it may be "just a 5 pt" but its still a trophy.
stay safe
LT Lake

Heres my sons first deer.3x4 with a .50 cal. muzzle loader.
Gratz. How many more you hoping for?
my daughter still has a deer tag and they both have elk tags.
congrats on a good buck
Were you ground hunting(still/stalking) or tree stand? I assume you were rifle hunting - what type set-up you use?

Do you do much pre-saeson scoutning of just hunt favorite area? Either way its all good when its in the frig!
Dude ! Awsome deer - is that a mule deer ?
thanks. yes it is
Excellent!!!! Try and get some photos for all of us to see your beauty


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