My name is Elisa, i'm an alcoholic and addict. I started using drugs and drinking at 14 years old, just like every teenager it was fun, i never imagined it would ever be a real problem. All through my twenties and most of my thirties i lived as an active functional alcoholic and addict. Everyone knew i had a problem but me. There came a time when all my drinking and drugging wasn't fun anymore but i couldn't stop, i coouldn't imagine life without being high or drunk to some
extent. It finally got to a point where i just wanted to die, then i knew i had to do something.
One year after returning home from the World Trade Center, i went to my very first meeting of N.A. followed immediately by an A.A. meeting. I got a sponsor and i got a home group, but i never worked the steps beyond step 3. 4 months short of 2 years i relapsed. I was back out for a year, it resulted in a failed suicide attempt. I got back into program. I got my sponsor back. I became serious about working theses 12 steps. I got rid of my using boyfriend.
Today i am married to a wonderful man that is 20 years clean and sober. I am ok with myself today. I am living some of the promises now and YES it is beyond my wildest dreams. Life on lifes terms has not changed, i changed how i deal with them.

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