I've been the fire service for a while over 10 years, it's in my blood. My brother is a firefighter and our father was for almost 20 years. He had to retire because of injuries on a call. He was burned over 50% of his body when a car's gas tank exploded. He was not in PPE, was IC and almost 150 ft away, but the fire ball was massive. The fire also damaged the engine and burned 2 other firefighters.
I'm a Training Lt. with the local airport fire department. Been doing ARFF (Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting) now for 4 years. It's been a great change from side structure side.

So lets here from everyone!! :-)

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Im 3rd generation. My dad is the fire chief for a neighboring mutual aid and im in the company he started i n before my parents split. my great uncles are a bunch of characters. my uncle mark is the only paid administrator in his company. my uncle lee works for glick. my uncle neil is the asst chief at another company.
Well lets see,I've been around Fire & E.M.S. Departments all of my life.An I am currently a Active member in The North Evans Fire Co. for 8 years,before this I was a Explorer with Post 735 sponsored by the Angola Fire Dept.As far as I know My Sister and I are 4th Generation Firefighters in the United States.
Both of our Great Grandpa's where Past Chiefs of the Moscow(Pa.)Vol.Fire Dept.,our Grandfathers on both sides where Past Chiefs' IN Moscow,and Woodlawn V.F.C.(Erie Cnty,N.Y.),
Both of my Mom's Parents are CHARTER MEMBERS of the Eden Emergency Squad(Ambulance &Rescue Svc.).
AS for Dad,he is our current Capt.having been Foreman,Lt.,E.M.S. Capt.,and Fire Capt.He is the only member of our Company to Serve as Capt. for 5 years continusly,previous to this term.He has also been a member of the Bailey Road Vol.Fire Dept.in Broward County Florida,also serving as Capt.,& As Paid-On-Call Lt. for(then called)Broward County Fire,Station 8(now 36).Also Fire Investigator/Haz-Mat Tech for the U.S.C.G.
Mom is a Member of the North Evans Ladies Aux.& Former Member of Bailey Road.Mom & Dad saw ALL 5 Of Us KIDS go through Explorers.
After a timulchous time in Explorers,I spent a 3 years distancing myself from the fire service.then at 20,I applied to the North Evans Fire Co.in April 1999,and was Accepted in Oct.1999.AN i am currently a Firefighter/E.M.T.,Fire Prevention Officer,Softball team Member,& Driver Trainee on our Rescue.Currently I have 3 children.
As For my Sister(see her page if i'm wrong)She was a member of Explorer Post 711,Highland Hose Co.(our "sister" company)The she applied and became a member of North Evans in 2003(?,i cant remember exactly)Now she is Currently our E.M.S.Capt.
There is nothing I'd rather Do than Be a Firefighter,As of right now,my daughter has a budding intrest in being a E.M.T.,& My oldest son is in Kindergarden an everytime he's asked what he wants to be when he grows up he answers,"I'm gonna be a FIREFIGHTER!,hahaha,just like dad".As for my youngest he's just leaning to talk,& when we go to the fire hall he runs toward the trucks yelling,"Dada Blue Moo!",& then has to look in each truck looking for "Pop"(my Dad)See my pics on my page,& you'll see why he says Blue Moo.Als See my blog for a more complete history of Fire Fighting in my Family.
I am a third generation firefighter. My Grandfather was a firefighter then fire police with one of the local fire companies. My father was a firefighter with the same company before he joined the local fire department in the town where I live. He has held the position of trustee, engineer, and Fire Chief. He was the fire chief for 10 years before he left. My mother is also a firefighter for the same department and held the positions of financial secretary, secretary, and trustee. My brother was a firefighter for the same department also. I joined the Parkside Fire Department in 1992 when I was 16 and ran both fire and EMS calls. I then joined a few more departments and ran with them for a few years before having to stop running active in 2006 due to back problems that forced me into doing fire police details with the Parkside Fire Department.
My Father is currently our AC and was the Chief before that for a total of 31 years. Kinda funny he goes from being Chief to Assistant chief. Usually you work your way up lol

Fourth Generation right here in York, Maine  I am a Captain with 13 years on + 4 as an explorer (17 total years for you math majors) my father is Fire Chief with 40 years in (26 as Chief of Dept.) my grandfather is a former Asst. Chief with 57 years of service (still a member) My great-grandfather was a captain but died in 1950 before my father was born and we don't know much about him or his service to the YFD. I have two young sons, (2 1/2 and 1) hopefully they will be the 5th generation and carry on the family tradition.


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