Comment by Matt Nesius on March 3, 2010 at 11:15am
Hello Brothers and Sisters, just wanted to pop in and say hi from WV. I just started a site called and I wanted to invite you all to visit. There is also a group BrotherhoodFirst here on FFN if you wanted to comment on the site or have any suggestions (all appreciated). Its a free classified post site specifically for FFs. So we can commerce our wares amongst ourselves with honesty and integrity. Im trying to encourage FFs everywhere to join and post something, its completely free! Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks. Stay safe.
I remember way back when -I was able to recover a large family Bible out of closet during a house fire we were working . When I crawled out the front door and was able to give it to the homeowmers wife- the look of gratitude on her face was payment enough for the risk .
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