Just wondering how many trucks you may have in your collection.

I have approx. 450 Plastic & Die-Cast Trucks in almost all scales,including Hot Wheels and Matchbox.

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hi every one i have about 250 rigs iv been collecting for a few years some franklin mints , match box , hot wheels n others . im working on a early model cabover ford pumper i found in the toy store. its just like one r station had back in the 70's i even found the green matelic paint to match the original color , i all so made a a raido controlled model of the hummer r station has now , with pony pump , hose reels n poly tank , it has working bar light , wig wag headlights working siren n back up alarm. my next one is going to be of the 4000 gal. peterbuilt tanker i drive for the company.
Well,I'd love to have some Franklin Mint rigs,but the Wife says"If your gonna pay that much for One truck you might as well save up an buy a REAL ONE."Mostly because I've had my eye on the yellow Pierce Snorkel.They have it at a Local Hobby Shop for about $800.00. www.niagarahobby.com i think thats the site.
Lets see at last count I am around 1000 various scales and manufactures
about 300 or so mostly matchbox and code 3, some corgi and a few oddball antiques.
Wow thats more than i got. i was close to 50 or so.I want to go bigger if the wife will let me.lol.alot of hotwheels,matchbox.1 code 3 fdny 1/16 scale.I havent bought any new ones in a while.
Hi Guys, I have been collecting and building model fire apparatus for almost 40 years. I collect any vehicles including boats and aircraft so long as they are operated by a fire dept. I particularly like American aerials especially tillers, and also very specialised vehicles. I have no real preference in scale although I now avoid too many large scale detailed diecast because of cost and lack of space. In answer to the question in the thread ... I stopped counting years ago, but I estimate my collection to be around 3,500. Will post a few pics later.
I just got my Yonkers Eng 306 by Code 3 today. Yonkers is my home town so I had to have it. I have between 100 and 150 models all hidden in a closet. I bought the Yonkers from my wife as she owns a diecast fire truck store. I use to be part owner but I got canned. I don't even get a break in the price, I paid $45 plus shipping and she brought it home to me, go figure. We did our first exclusive Code 3 release last year of the San Fransisco Eng 3 ALF and it was an overwhelming success. Our second exclusive release was a 1/50 scale Ford C by Athearn of a Riverside County CA engine. It has sold OK. We will be finalizing another exclusive this week. If ya'all know of a striking fire engine that can be replicated let me know. We are looking for something that really stands out or from a big fire department. The only caveat is the mold as to have been made already; it costs $75,000 to $100,000 to make new tooling. Thanks, Art
I dont have any diecast, built a couple 25th scale engines, an ambulance and some cop cars
I'm Trevor,also from New Zealand.
Been collecting for approx 15 years & have about 2000 models in my collection.
Hi there Gary, hows things ?
Here are some more...
Hi Trevor. Welcome. Those Matchbox conversions you have done look great.
I also have plastic die cast and matchbox trucks i think i have about 30 total i havent counted them all in a while.


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